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Re: The Carrotfinger Man

Posted: April 13, 2017, 05:53:54 PM
by Lester Curtis
I have to agree somewhat about the pixies; they were real pests, and they almost got the whole cast scragged by not knowing their way around as well as they thought they did. Still, Ki got the whole ball of errors rolling with that very same mistake.

Everybody blundered, but I think maybe all of them were a little out of their element. For me, though, this kept the story suspenseful: since they were all unreliable, I never had an idea what to expect.

What I did expect at the very last was that Mani and Ki had failed to meet their contract. They were supposed to be at the castle by sundown, and they were still a couple miles off when the sun was beginning to set. They must have set some new dwarf sprinting records.

Fun story.