Rosie's Revelation

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Rosie's Revelation

Post by Lipinski »

This is the second story I read this in this issue. Again, as with Pandora's Return, the title caught my attention.

What I liked about this story is the way the author wrote about God. Just that one simple word, God, is enough to evoke so many emotions ranging from love to boredom to out right hate.

In this story, it was well written and let the reader see inside the character. Overall, I enjoyed it.

As for content, it is a perspective with a twist, though for those readers who study various religions, especially those religions dealing with God, angels, devils, and such... The character, Lucifer jumps into play as Lucifer is the angel of light, and the master of deception. This story could be a play of many situations both good and evil. It is good a reader will decide on what to believe is the truth is such a story.
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Re: Rosie's Revelation

Post by Megawatts »

Interesting story centered on visions, religious beliefs and in some cases perhaps mental illnesses. The beginning got my attention and the story held it until the end. That makes a good story.

Susan examines the thoughts and feelings of religious people when one starts to see visions, and in some cases change the future by preventing a train wreck and helping the police find a kidnapped girl. The emotional impact one would face who just gets this ability, and those close to her would be novel length at least in describing their emotions. If one wasn’t sure about the visions whether deriving from mental illness or some other undiscovered dimension, well, it’s easy to understand how upsetting such an ability might be if one thought about it! The ending suggests something different than God.

Good word choices, good grammar, good clarity and good story telling. That’s the best way to give an overall description of Susan’s writing, for she is very good.

Good job!
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