At the Tone by J. Alan Brown

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At the Tone by J. Alan Brown

Post by kailhofer »

I found this one delightfully creepy, but not really for the ending.<br><br>I thought that kind of fixation with the time & temperature lady on the phone to be truly disturbing. <br><br>However, that she was already dead was kind of a let down, a little. I'm not sure what way I would have liked it to go, but a potential threat to the "time lady" seems more scary than a real one.<br><br>FYI. I assumed that everyone is picturing the famous voice of Jane Barbe, the voice of Electronic Tele-Communication's Time-Weather-Temperature (TWT) services for 40 years (used, I believe, by AT&T and just about every other telephone outfit), and that hopefully none of her children or grandchildren ever read this. The real "time lady" died in 2003 at the age of 74.<br><br>Nate
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Re: At the Tone by J. Alan Brown

Post by Megawatts »

I agree with Kaillofer and Gareth_lyn-Powell<br><br>
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