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Nightwatch: CSM-115 By Jeff Williams

Posted: June 22, 2006, 04:24:04 PM
by kailhofer
Before I say anything about this story, I want to be sure that I'm not just really oblivious today.<br><br>There are 2 storylines, one about a secret trip to Skylab in 1977, and one about uncovering enemy operatives in what seemed at first to be a message from space. <br><br>Both lines are okay, and not without merit, but I missed the part where the 2 storylines connected.<br><br>Is it meant to say that Nightwatch & it's evil twin Prometheus are using a communications system learned from aliens? Or maybe that they did receive a message from aliens, but the message was about operatives here on Earth? Or maybe that Callow & Eddison were the 2 guys in space in '77?? Something else??<br><br>I'm confoosed. Pleeze halp.<br><br><br>Nate

Re: Nightwatch: CSM-115 By Jeff Williams

Posted: June 23, 2006, 02:40:08 PM
by kailhofer
And here I thought the controversy would be about the ending and the revelation concerning Eddison and Callow... :)

<br>I thought Mrs. Simmons asking Simon if he was really Nightwatch was a much better and more intriguing point. It begs the question whether or not Nightwatch and Prometheus are two heads of the same hydra, or if perhaps that Nightwatch is only Simons cover, but he doesn't know it yet.<br><br>Since you're in a telling mood, was "When our dear Miss Simpson marched into the White House with a jar of genetically targeted botulism?" a slip-up, and that was supposed to be "Simmons"? Or should we be on the lookout for someone named Simpson?<br><br>Also in that same Eddison & Callow's exchange, I couldn't help thinking there was something wrong with the lines: <br>“Of course,” Eddison said in a very patrician manner. “I have no objections towards your borrowing him for your pet project.” There was a lengthy pause.<br><br>"I only hope you know what you're doing," Callow finally said.<br><br>The way the dialogue was going, it sounded to me like Callow would have been the one with no objections, not Eddison. Maybe it's just me, but up until then Eddison was explaining why Simon was going in a new direction, i.e. a pet project. Plus, why would Callow hope Eddison knew what he was doing, if Simon was on Callow's pet project.<br><br>More thoughts later... The Boss-Man just came back from lunch, and I have to look productive.<br><br>Nate

Re: Nightwatch: CSM-115 By Jeff Williams

Posted: June 30, 2006, 01:10:09 AM
by kailhofer
I like using real historical events to weave in the story, too - but I am alarmed at Maria being undead. Er, alive, rather.
<br>Um... were you just trying to be funny there, or should I just shoot myself for not making the plot points of Tinsel Rime more memorable?<br><br>We don't really learn that much about Maria here that we didn't already know. She's in with some people who are serious about being bad. That she's mentioned in enemy communications isn't that surprising, but it does imply Jeff's committment to bring her back in some future story (at least, seemed that way to me). <br><br>Who knows, maybe she'll be a team with Celinde Gryphius (Heaven forbid).<br><br><br>Say... are we ever going to see that Death Valley story?<br><br>Nate

Re: Nightwatch: CSM-115 By Jeff Williams

Posted: July 06, 2006, 10:37:02 PM
by kailhofer
This one was definitely worth the re-read. Although as part of the Night Watch Illuminati, I have had a little more time to think about the story than most of you.
<br>I'm only former Illuminati--(What's the proper term for that? Disavowed? Fallen? I got it! The correct label for an ex-Illuminati would be... Shark Bait.:-X)--Anyway, I think perhaps your knowledge of upcoming events may have helped you through. I've read it 3 times now, and still don't see it.<br><br>
As for the story, it was wonderfully complex and full of very cool tech stuff. My physics background is nuclear, but I've always loved the intricacies and counterintuitive realities of orbital mechanics. Put it this way. . .in free fall. . .you have to speed up to slow down. And Jeff did a bang-up job at making the whole experience feel right.
<br>I'll go with you there. When somebody starts inputting Verb 37 or Noun 13 (or whichever), I can't help but picture an Apollo computer panel. The going into space plotline was good, and I liked it. <br><br>However, without a more obvious connection, I kept wondering why I was reading it, and that blew my suspension of disbelief. Moreover, I thought the Simon plotline, even though it started off hot, couldn't sustain it's own momentum. To me, it felt like it sputtered and dragged until the end, as if it was only there to drop those hints at the end.<br><br>Interesting notes on the solid fuel boosters. I never would have thought of that. (Yes, that's a compliment. Even I have weak moments.;))<br><br>
I do wonder whether Doctor Simmons actually works for S.E.T.I., seems that would make her too highly visible and accessible now that Prometheus is 'out of the bag.' Stephanie Keel could be reading her email and using her eBay account before lunch.
<br>Perhaps now, Stephanie will be, but Simmons was so brash about it, I'd suspect that she will be professionally untraceable, or that it's a trap. However, I have to side with Jeff on this one. What better way to keep their communications secret than to be a grumpy SETI expert, explaining away every misplaced tidbit as background noise or some new satellite. I'd believe her.<br><br>Nate