R.E.D. By Alan Delaney

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Re: R.E.D. By Alan Delaney

Post by Megawatts »

A robot that becomes a free willed machine-- at least to the point of not wanting to be ordered around.

I must say that I really liked this story. The descriptions very good, word choices, sentence lengths and clarity superb!  It is nice to read a story as if it were being played out on a stage, and this story had that quality: easy to follow, easy to read, and easy to visualize Jim and its surroundings.

The science good and the author must have some training in computer programming, since he used terms like hashing and algorithm in a real working sense. He also hinted at complex data-structures and their functions! Nice.

Jim the robot had a arsenal in him, and some reader might think it too much. But I would have liked to know what powered Jim? Jim needed a good source of energy to live and fight and especially move like he did.

We have a story about a robot that is self-aware, and that self-awareness coupled with damage to his circuits, and the search for data internally, produced an independent think machine that will not take orders from anyone. I’m not sure how the searches make him more independent, but they did.

I can't think of anything to add that will make the story better. Most of the suggestings I have will make the story different, but not better.

It's alway easy to say more showing and less tell, and more sensory inputs, but this story seems to have a good balance with just the right amount of showing, and telling and sensory input.

Very nice job!!

Tesla Lives!!!
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