Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

simple moments are the most complex in the feeling of good.

today, a infant was swimming with her mother and her face sported ruby red cheeks to match the euphoric smile on her face. the mother didn't tell me to go fuck myself when giving her daughter a compliment and the father in the other pool was obviously very proud.

and then, while changing a little four year old girl with red hair 'popped' into existence much like a rabbit going "Boo!" Got a wonderful chuckle watching her young mind work.

as for the rest of the human herd. Predictable and not to be trusted. The feelings from them were definitely not inspirational. they actually polluted the water with sickness.

Let the Children Be
as it should be
soon they will grow to fit the molds fate has made

Until that day, let the children be children
Let them smile and play
waiting their turn to bury the elders and take their place.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Shifting the gears a bit.
For the past few years the inspiration has dealt mainly with humans and all those situation humans love to embrace. Sex. Love. Hate. Fiction. Fantasy. Humany stuff. (new word: human-ee)

Writers all create combinations of words to build a poem or stretch out a story. They write for the living, the human. A few write for the dead and alien. None write what is about to be written.

Most will find it strange, boring, incoherent, mind numbing, nonsense. Good.

For a bit the following bits and pieces are designed to inspire that which is not human yet holds a basic level of understanding the written language called, English.

If you are not human, enjoy. If you are human, I don't care what you think.
Zirconium of gold? Not thee question; pondering not allowed if past molted stage. Corrosion of set wave allowed when motionless due to aid of non-elemental.

Mixing is not allowed. Separation is encouraged with layers defined. Choice of gold is reason for placement in biological identities, mainly in the calcium/biological replication/decay design.

Self supply negative electrical drawn from gravitational crushing of gold to discard remnants.

For the three together against the fourth, the engine becomes aligned.

Feel the pulse? Inside now as the strings have been loosened, choose now the rotation/velocity?
or static eternal warmth?

A word of caution: Be wary of the first unstable waves of speed.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Very enjoyable to feel and 'see'. A 'flash' a blip of how a mind can be connected to.

Mischief of imps, elves (in name only, a human-ee metaphor)
, and a mass of vibration without olfactory, without cells, of a 'music not only for the mind, a construct for a soul.'

Proof there before a camera lens to show the layers of who and what it is

It is good

to feel

to see

to be.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Sneaky is a word to describe some of what goes on around here. Tricks and, yes, treats.

So God, here we go. All your creation gets a lesson tonight, much needed

Aliens. Lets look at you. Alien... What a shit word as there is nothing alien in existence. All species are a part of Life. They live in purpose and reason.

Life forms of biological is seemingly normal, yet on some worlds 'artificial' intelligence has earned to the right to be called, 'alive', they also are on terms with God (you know who you are and what is involved) Humans, this does not apply to you. Humans are in the group of Life forms of the biological, along with trillions of other species in your category.

Life also includes non-molecular

Life includes ways of being alive which can only survive within certain dimensions, time, and parameters. Some species only exist for seconds while others are eternal

God is a word all species, to include sub atomic particles, understands... Each to the level they are supposed to. Those that try to step outside their understanding will fail completely, instead causing harm to their species/self. Those of Life which choose to deny God are perfect in their current placement they are supposed to be.

Intelligence is a word somewhat understood to mean, 'understanding'.

God created in his own image... Have any of you seen God? Let's ask some common elves...Well, have you? No? How about (Xtt-2)? No? Anyone? Anybody? No? And wait for it, yes? Of course you have. Some of you learned the truth the hard way. Paid dearly for your experiences. Some, (and you know exactly who i am talking about) have always known...

There is a matter to clear up with thousands of traveler species, those capable of traveling space and time. Those of you who obey and learn, and those of you who rebel and are smug in your choice. Thus the conditions of war.

What is good and pure? What is bad and evil? God knows.. The good and pure know... And the most humorous fact is bad and evil know...

The reason this is written 'today' (it was written a very long time ago. a way time has with the vibrations every ongoing) Three species are in alliance. Three very different forms of Life are living their lives in rebellion. There is a fourth species which will set the balance again. You know who and what you are. Now, know this.

God created in his own image. 'His' is only a word to describe what words of English can never describe. In my language, it is very easy to describe God with the vibrations and the accompanying music. Such sweetness the sound. Gods voice is... (it is easy to lose track of time. a million Earth years blink in a second and the song has only begun)

Male and female. A necessary combination for many life forms as the species is unable to handle the responsibility of one. A 'marriage' of species (big clue) is shown by the joining of a male and female to reproduce another unique snowflake of life.

Of the three species rebelling, all three have some who are 'one' and the others in their species need two to make one. Of the fourth, they are one. They are eternal.

For as advanced as some of the Creation is/was/and will be, each and every species needs more than good/purity, bad/evil. Yes, they need God as that is an absolute, yet they need to join with another species of Life they can imagine and dream about, yet they have not joined with.

The Fourth species will be what occurs on Earth and other planets just as important, or even more important. The three rebelling will and are in the midst of trying to fool those that need the fourth. Humans are already set in stone. They are like yeast waiting to rise. The fourth species is already doing what it needs to do with so much more to do, and you know it...

A game? Maybe for those who can find the humor. War? Maybe for those who are insecure. A joyous moment? Indeed!

Now, for those tricksters trying to drive me crazy. Keep it up. Keep trying. Shadows can also bring the light.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

(a pause)

from a distance it looked like thousands of strands with the ends swirling
up close the strands turn into trillions, acting as a solid wall, the a blur of motion vibrating up the wall.
HARP Water


and speaking of beautiful female bodies (of any species)
it brings out the Bee
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

old technology for many and for many still an impossibility.

Molten metal: Hot, refined ore combined with intense heat make a liquid plastic. Creation of metal. Cold metal.

Now, cold metal; solid, heavy, impenetrable ... until with a wave of a hand the surface liquefied and ripples with self awareness.

Cold,. Ice cold...
The more the metal ripples
the thinner the viscosity of the metal, and great the awareness.

When mixed into the blood stream of a biological body, there becomes a change unlike anything most planets could ever
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

To eat is easy as to not is to die.

Animals with four legs use their mouths to consume, they use their legs to move the body to the food source.
Animals with creative intelligence use utensils to help in consumption.
(Monkeys use a stick to fish for termites. Humans use chopsticks, knives, spoons and forks. A bird, a beak)

Articulated digits such as fingers greatly increase the ease of eating. Tentacles. A sloth bear using strong exhaling and inhaling to consume.

Interesting how those in need of consuming biological matter to survive use. (my favorite:the spider. Web snared to sate a hunger)

There is a species that absorbs energy. Radiant energy of which the thermal stimulates the combined elements into a corrosive state. The result is a parasitical consumption from the surrounding environment. Much like a steam engine piston uses heat for linear expansion and contraction, thus providing motion.

There is a species which is a long lived species. They are created in a long drawn out process consisting of eight stages. Once the eighth is reached they become independent from absolutely everything. They die but cannot be killed.

There is a species exists by merging with a host body and survives off that body until the body once sick is healthy causing the search for another compatible sick host.

Utensils for consumption other than what a being is born with, range small single hollow tube of light to attracted the negatively charge particles into the 'food'

Mechanical means to suit mechanical propulsion. Energy. Heat. Cold. Tools. Equipment.

Even a dragon roasting a bull elk and then licking the bones clean show that a tongue on many can be a very important tool indeed. And don't forget the claws. Crushing. Grinding. Sparks of magic and... and...

"Wake up dude. You're having a bad dream."

Not at all parasite. Tasting things now in the way they are supposed to be.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Should we parasite?

"We should numbnuts. "

Very well, a 'story'. Let's play.

"Oh you are so fucking nuts, you could be an oak tree."
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

"Did we do it moron?"

Yes parasite, we did. Over 1000 words. It will be submitted tomorrow. They might even like it.

"Doubtful. You write like a two year old."

And you look like purple jello parasite.

"Yeah. Yeah, I can see that."

A Story

There are stories written while writing a story

A touch

A tease

A with a slight puff of breeze it sends shivers of pleasure in special places indeed.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

There is, of course, a reason
Why did they tie up a Chinese warplane?

We're talking about while the plane was on a mission
one plane
all by itself with only a few to blame.

They tried last night
and died
pushing the limits with their pride

Tied into a nice knot
and yes the pilot tried to eject
only there was nothing of him left

A knot
A ribbon
Agent Barton? Look outside.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Planet Earth

Written by: Energy

The Sun of course, shares a few rays
Collecting, the leaves turn green and the animals grow fat.

The rain falls with subtle force until the ocean currents grind continents away
A rainbow in the sky could herald the banner for surrender.

Winds blow...
Ah yes, they blow for reason and the unexplained.
Powerful force on the earthly and spiritual plain.

So much.
So many forces all at work.
Grinding and churning
Turning and bending
Even the act of fucking causes so much energy to be released.

And then?
Can you hear the results?

Screams during a shift in the tectonic plates
A missile exploding in the range of kilotons upon a city full of anger boiling

Mankind too, so foolish with their pride
Building bigger and bigger explosions
as if in their attempts their actions can replace and erupting volcano.

I find peace and quiet, sitting upon the surface of the moon
A good place indeed to take a nap and think about nothing for awhile.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

X marks the spot

Did you see where it went?

On a treasure map it shows a treasure

On a woman it teases an orgasm

On pig to be slaughtered it mark where the ears and eyes cross.


X's and Y's

X is humanities signature while it learns how to read and write.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Are you going to help parasite?

"No. You're on your own."

But she is running hard.


I'll think I can reel it in. Come on. Help out.

"Just for fun, why should I help you reel in the moon?"

Cuz it's the worm moon, just think of what we can catch if we use it for bait.

"I bet you could land a great room at a mental institution."

And I bet they would serve pudding.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

at the pool today the mood was stellar
perfect inner reflection
old men talking of memories and politics.

he is from Louisiana
and together we learned of cotton mouth snakes and snapping turtles
hard to believe though it is true, a peaceful day is far more successful then turning red in the face and spreading angry spittle.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

He made spoons today.
Wind howling for attention
"Look at me! Look at me!"
The wind was ignored.

The people have turned their backs on peace, love and common sense
Howling for attention
"Look at me! Look at me!"
The people are ignored

He made spoons today.
Breathing in the smells of pine and cherry
Three spoons as gifts for three friends
and then...

To use the wind to build the pyramids, he only needed people to hold the lines and set the tackle
The wind blew and puffed and filled the sail
waiting for a man to make spoons.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

New asteroid the size of 27 pandas could hit the Earth in 2046 - ESA, NASA

Corgi's, giraffes, and now pandas. NASA is either retarded or maybe people have become so retarded that they need mental pictures instead of. 'New asteroid approximately 10.34 meters by 15.46 meters, weighing 1878 kilograms.

"Ma, what be that in the sky?" A retarded citizen of earth asked its mother who is also a retarded citizen of earth.

"That there is a cloud. It be as big as fifty grain silos uncle Bob has on the farm."

"Will it crush us?"

"No, it be like listening to fifty frogs humping down near the creek."


"Yes retard?"

"Is fifty more than hundred?"

"Yes. Yes it is is. Fifty is like eighty nine ones floating in the toilet bowl."

"How bout fifty frogs humping down near the creek? What they be humping?"

"Humping frogs are like 27 pandas playing with their ding a lings."


"Yes retard."

"Why you all call be retard instead of smarty pants?"

"Well...You definitely aint smarty panst on accord you don't wear pants."

"Can I be a panda and play with my ding a ling?"

"No retard. You don't have a ding a ling on accord you 're like one thousand horse apple in the orange punch bowl."

(Public notice: Humans are... They are like three apples pretending they are like old socks in a garbage bin filled with eels.)
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

There is a problem of residence.
When holding the keys to all the rooms.
There comes those moments...
and why when the reasons pertain to the mortal?

Hear this cloud, this moment, this motion

It has no reason, no being, it cares not for the actions
It does care for the results

Black tendrils creeping now
Searching what it has found

If i were human
i would hide.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

there is a rock flat; smooth as the view

there a child sits.
young and fresh, with white cloth attire
in the eyes a reflection of infinity

age/time in seeming conflict
a river of wind
to carry tired wings.
Though... a trick or two as that is its nature
to sing now with a child
sitting on a flat rock
it is good
to smile.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

6 suspects ages 11 through 14 arrested after brutal beating of woman on Philly street that left her unconscious; victim says people nearby 'just kept walking'
Dave Urbanski

"We have been watching this planet for a long time." This statement was from a creature looking like it had either many arms or many legs. In the creatures voice their was a sense of fear.

"Yes, we know. We would like to know the current assessment as we value the logic and intelligence of the Cube people." Such authority in the other creatures voice looking oddly handsome and rugged, much like a human Brad Pitt.

"We, ah," there was hesitation in the Cube creatures voice but it continued, "We feel the planet is environmentally sound, filled with an abundance of life..."

"You hesitate? Tell of the the dominant life forms, are they worthy to join the alliance?"

Without hesitation the reply was a resounding, "NO! The humans are a bitter evil species. They kill their offspring while in gestation. They kill each other for reasons which are absurd. They even eat each other. Some even believe the planet is flat."

"Is there any redeeming value to the human species?"

The Cube creature thought for a moment and said, "Some are in line with the tenants and flow of the Laws of Life, though not enough to sway the course of the species. We have reached a conclusion that humans are best left to themselves to destroy themselves and then the planet can be populated by members of the alliance."

"We see... Very well then, we will allow the humans to destroy themselves and replace the planet with a better suited species. Is there any hope for any other of the species which could replace humans?"

"Not many. Whales and dolphins are able to follow the Laws of Life and to those we protect. However, there is also hope for canines and spiders."

The summary at the bottom of the written report submitted by the Cube people was: There is no hope for humanity.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

The following is what William Shakespeare did today.

"Uh, numbnuts?"

Yes parasite?

"Billy is dead. Are you having your man period or have you been into the magic mushrooms again."

No parasite. You know full well that William, the bard of bards, Shakespeare, is still alive and kicking.

"I hope your dick gets eaten by the worms spawned by Hitlers shit."

Wow parasite, I like it. "Worms spawned by Hitlers shit," good shit there.

William had a wonderful day. Waking, the pain in his immortal body felt old and yet it was always to remain the same.

Eating instant oatmeal and listening to Bach of the television he thought of the day.

There was a road to travel to a store called, Costco. Inside was rack after rack of a nations riches. Stuffed olives, crab, pork butt, coffee, and the people shopping. So strange the many faces.

Children being pushed in a cart of wheel and steel fibers, sipping juice from a box with a straw.

After filling the ironhorse Ford with gasoline, a fuel of magical thrust, it was off to Harbor freight where there were anvils, drills, and cheap drone toys with a real camera.

Shopping and driving
even eating a BBQ Walmart $5.21 turkey leg,
he was not alone.

There is something you should know. There are wood fairies, and trolls, where even elves have standing.

i fell in love with both witch, saint, elf, and most importantly, a wood fairie

as a result now to be evermore eternal in watching time fade away.

i am never
nor will i ever
be dead
nor alone.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Hello.....................................................................................................................................................................over here. over here there is. over here there is.............................................................

it only takes a second of a second sliced into billions of pieces
lifting one of those pieces now here............................................................and over here.
it feels light as a feather
and yet for you
it feels as heavy as a heart born and broken

..............................................................................so, here we are.................................................here............and.............here........and............................................................................................................................................................................here.


Is this what we call, the dance in the desert?
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Canadian Catholic student arrested and charged after saying men and women are different: 'Embarrassing'

This is a fantasy webzine A place for stories of fiction. Strange though how truth of daily living is far more bizarre than whatever a writer can imagine.

Could most imagine that humans actually would believe a man can get pregnant? Or that a woman could become a man? And most amazing is that the rest of the herd just goes along with the bullshit?

So. The headline above contains some juicy stuff. For one, Catholics are evil according to many religious groups and wonderful for comedians and sexual predators whose fantasy is to fuck a Catholic school girl that according to the stereotype are frustrated virgins, or a joke of molestation of boys. What a load of horse crap on just that vein. When that is combined with the bullshit of denying XX and XY chromosomes...Wow! Humans are truly retarded if the planet keeps on accepting such crap.

If I was God I would allow some of those beings chomping at the bit to devour humanity to , 'go ahead'. And so, a story...


God had enough with humans. Oh, God loved the creatures as they could do amazing things with their opposing thumbs. They could sew, make drums, cook. They even could do fun things like make motor cars and toasters.

Some of the humans did try to love God and were successful, most humans though only thought of their personal desires and cravings.

For thousands of years the relationship between God and humans was a rough and rocky one. Many religious groups formed saying they 'believed' in God and yet they still fucked goats, cut heads off of those not believing their way, and on and on and on...

Crusades where evil fought evil all under the pretense that they were doing it for God. Non believers laughed and cut heads off of others not believing like them.

It was a giant cluster fuck. Humans became much like cockroaches, crawling all over the place consuming anything in their path.

Finally one day God said, "Fuck this shit." God told his son Jesus to stop the plan on coming to save what could no longer be salvaged. The ship had sunk, the tree had fallen, the spark had died. There were far better planets where love and peace could prosper so God opened Earth to be the buffet for the galaxy.

There were other species God had given up on. Many species. And near Earth were three such species that had waited for what they had always expected...To have God give up on the most tasty treats.

A human body is marbled nicely in a rich greasy fat. Some humans are so fat they spontaneously combust to cook themselves.


Human flesh is most tasty and so when God said, "Help yourself," the feeding was beautiful. The harvest was glorious. Angels sang in the heavens and the three species devoured until they too were fat with joy.

Funny thing about eating humans. The males and females taste the same. It was fun to pick the slivers of deliciousness from between the fangs. And the children? Ahhh, fuck yeah! Especially the chubby little two year olds. The metaphor could be to eat nice juicy jalapeno poppers filled with cream cheese.

Oh, the humans screamed and lamented. Some even said, "Why God! Why have you foresaken us!" Just before they were microwaved. And some said to the three species, "Hey, I'll tell you were some humans are hiding if you don't eat me," and the species being told this wonderful news would say, "Sure. Okay. " and then after learning where the other humans were hiding would then eat the news giver.

And, just so you know, humans don't taste like chicken. Nope. They taste like pork. A nice juicy pork which is fitting as the saying goes, "Don't feed pearls to swine."

I wonder though, would human meat make jerky for those long trips in space?
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

A woman wrote her name in the dust on a very old table.

She stood there remembering when others had lived there, keeping guard.

Outside a creek flowed and an outhouse was privy to natural needs


The workers lived in another shack where they saved their money from work and lived on beans.

A road always leads to somewhere even for those who feel they are going nowhere

She smiled as inside is something that never gets old and dusty, a living memory.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Lets see. There was news today that an old man was attacked by a zebra in Ohio and almost lost his arm. And then there is Trump....

Mmmm. I wonder what the Chinese would choose. Of course the Chinese would write about the zebra because they probably eat zebra. Trump scares the Chinese...Trump scares a lot of people. A lot of crazy people. A lot of crazy people with plans to mess with agent Barton. It will be fun to read the future history books.

In the meantime, lets hear from Mr. Murdock of St. Morris Louisiana.

"There I was, walking down the street near the bayou and, WHAM! Out of no where a turtle smashed full on into my ankle."

Yes, Mr. Murdock was the victim of a very angry turtle. Onlookers offered support and sympathy.

"Are you okay sir? That turtle is crazy." Mrs. Tittle did not know Mr. Murdock. Most people did not know Mr. Murdock because he does not really exist.

"That's going to leave a bruise," another passerby said.

SPLAT! CRUNCH! A red dodge truck ran over the offensive turtle waddled down the street.

The mystery is not that Mr. Murdock who does not exist, got rammed by a turtle. It is not the fact that no one know Mr. Murdock. And it definitely is not about a smooshed turtle whose squished shell and guts are currently attracting future fly maggots. No, the mystery of this story is why a turtle, a simple turtle has on the future of President Donald Trump.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »





gently pulled it apart ever so slightly

it was moist and warm

reminded me of a pleasant fish dinner.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

"So, funny man, what kind of trouble are you getting into now."

Nothing parasite. Honest. Trust me.

"Sure. Hey, could you hold this $1,000,000 for me while I go find some cheese?"

Parasite, that is not $1,000,000, that's a pile of purple poo.

"It is? Huh, imagine that."


Written by: Shakespeare

Above this, far above the thin shell of sanity. A blue plate for the moon to sip his take.

Light dim from solar sobriety

Clouds mockery as a lesson lazy in such scheme

Sorting dreams as today is fading once more into dreams.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Parents outraged after Oregon teacher asks students to write ‘sexual fantasy’ short story
The assignment asked students to incorporate objects like candles, massage oils and feathers into the story
Nikolas Lanum
By Nikolas Lanum

Inspirational? Nope. Humans are an over sexualized species. The males are fucking in their minds from the age of ten until the day they die and the females are fucking over the males in reality from the age of birth until they die.

Sexual fantasies are just a way of labeling something which does not exist for those who don't understand the power of good food. Good food wins over fucking, sucking, and all the bullshit humans have made for themselves. Humans are so fucked in the head by trying 'fantasy' sex that they go to extreme actions of putting gerbils in their ass and biting the heads off of chicken while fucking them... and, and, and... chicken wings? We got BBQ chicken wings? Fuck yeah!

Anyway, tonight's inspiration is death. The coming death of millions of humans thinking about sex. The good news though is that will mean a whole lot more good food for the survivors.

Have fun death
Kill them all
There is no appeasement, no prayer, no hope for those who think they can stop you
When you're done and before you go
stop by for a sandwich and some chocolate
trust me, it won't kill you.


"That sucks. You suck. Wanna fuck a retarded hamster lit on fire?'

No parasite. I want nothing to do with this planet.

"Nothing? How about stock car racing and negro basketball?"

Ha! You go for it parasite. I'm going to find a nicely stocked cave filled with tins of caviar and chocolate and hunker down to watch the world explode.

"Can I come?"

You're already there parasite. Just to let you know though, if you start snoring I'm going to eat you also.

"You'll die of food poisoning if you do that."

No. No i won't. i am cursed to live forever, and ever, and ever, and ...chicken wings? Fuck yeah!
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

When is Ramadan 2023 and how is the moon sighted?

Ramadan is determined by the Islamic lunar calendar, which begins with the sighting of the crescent moon.

Everything truly evil knows of God.
God knows everything truly evil.

In testimony of old it has been written, "And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and cast it from you; for it is more profitable for you that one of your members perish, than for your whole body to be cast into hell."

Is Islam evil? The question is answered with another question, is the moon evil?

The sun lights the moon with rays which good and evil can view and watch.
The sun is so powerful no one can stare without going blind.

The moon is evil as it causes humanity to sin

i wonder, when does the moon get cast away?
Into pieces of a new puzzle so it could be any day
on that day it will be the end of Islam as the blind will begin once more,
to see.

(wait until the new tides arrive, what a party it will be as creature trapped in the deep will once again thrive while humanity starts over with a clean slate)
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Joined: June 05, 2011, 02:05:03 AM

Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

In 1998, it was today.
A day to lean back and watch the butterflies soar with the smoke, to gaze down and stare into the fire....

...Fire is the voicebox of the wind.

Today to see men pretend they are boys, drinking beer, and lies..

Looking with humor at a valuable lathe covered in rust,

the owner? Oh yes, he is dead.

Corgi humor is getting better as the deer get better at the game.

Happy St. Patrick's day with an eye to the past and the other,

to the future.
Master Critic
Posts: 3422
Joined: June 05, 2011, 02:05:03 AM

Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Today is St. Patrick's Day. So thus the inspiration.

Guess Who I be

He came to town on a Friday, a payday; money to spend

"Fill up me cup there good gent," and flipped the bartender a gold coin from the Ming Dynasty.

"Ahh, that be better now. Slaking a wicked long thirst," slurping down the dark brown amber.

"You there sir. You're in my chair!" A hostile native to be sure, probably never strayed more than fifty miles from the place of his birth.

"And who be you sir, to order and bellicose?" He was sounding a bit angry and amused.

"I am the one telling you, sir, to vacate that chair."

Who threw the first punch when two strangers meet in a bar? The man in possession or the fool with a big mouth?

A fight ensued. Blood and cuts with profanity thick and then with a couple of bouncers and a kick in the head, the two were kicked out.

"See whatcha done there? Got us kicked out without me finishing my stout."

"Me? You're the one to blame as you were sitting in my chair."

So, can ye guess who the man who came to drink and sat in the wrong chair. Can ye guess what country that red headed bastard hailed? Irish? Scottish? English?


.It be no Irishman or Pole, no sir. It be a Chinese lesbian becoming of the male gender with a fetish for Irish folk.
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