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Posted: February 20, 2009, 09:01:47 PM
by Megawatts
I like this one! Especially the twist at the end!

The science needed a little tweaking but for the most part I could live with it. However a rocket’s trajectory in all probability would not follow a traceable curve like projectile motion. The rocket’s trajectory might be close even with course corrections, but with the vastness of space a pinpoint target found by plotting a rocket’s trajectory from parts of its final arc would be near impossible.

I don't know if Seti would be interested in low radio signals from our solar system. I don't know much about their research into the universe, but I think they train their Diskes for signals from other stars system! But like I said, I really don't know much about them.

But the science is only dressing for this story. The characters took on real personalities and that came from good dialogue crafting. And sensory input did added to the story; integrated into the story and not just added on as an after-thought when editing. Nice!

In this story we see that aliens might not be so much different from us!
We have wars, they have wars, we like our booze and smokes, they like theirs.

I liked that characters in this one, and I really liked the ending.

‘Binary people can be turned off and on!'