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The scary part of this scenario

Posted: October 21, 2009, 11:43:47 AM
by Robert_Moriyama
The idea of eugenics is intrinsically scary because there is always the question of who decides what is and is not a "flaw" to be eliminated. Sure, filtering out hereditary heart or immune system or endocrine diseases seems reasonable -- but how many brilliant and talented people would never be born on that basis. Even if gene therapy is used instead of just discarding embryos that test positive for certain conditions, there are ALWAYS unintended consequences.

And THEN we start in on matters of taste and prejudice.

Skin and hair pigmentation? Well, Johnny will do better if he is a blue-eyed blond than if he is "a person of color", so... Height? Taller people earn more money, regardless of their actual competence relative to people of shorter stature...

So how scary is it that something like this could be at least somewhat affordable (if, as in this case, in the price range of a luxury car), and marketed with all the careful consideration of a Botox injection or breast implant on "Nip/Tuck"?
