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Luna Rose by Nick Ragusa

Posted: July 29, 2007, 03:51:53 PM
by kailhofer
I quite liked this story, and I'm surprised no one said anything about it.

There are no space battles, no time travelers, and no alien menaces bent on our destruction. The story is not action-packed, and no part of humanity's future in the universe depends on the outcome. That's not the kind of story this is.

What is there is a fairly realistic, and very human, view of what it would be like if you were the only florist on the moon. The main character, Amanda, seemed very believable to me. She was just a regular person who saw an opportunity, took it, and then had trouble living with her choices in a very unique situation. My mother-in-law was a florist, so I've learned quite a bit about this trade, and it's no where near as glamorous as most people think. Flowers make other people happy, not the florists.

Kudos. Nice job.
