Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Parasite, do you remember the day we first met?

"Let me think... Oh yeah, you had just been killed in Athens and your last thoughts were of instead of a warrior you should have been a writer."

No...Well... I'm talking about way before that. Remember? It was a day there was no life on this planet.

"You're daft. Now go get me a fresh chocolate chip cookie."

First Contact

It seems there is a human condition, a condition of the first time and the last time with time in between

Aliens and extraterrestrials.
Spam and cheese
Sex and pain

How can it be explained when it all first happened when it has no end?

Scientists say, "They exist and they are here and they are coming."

Who are they? Again, and again, and again, there was a beginning so very far from here and now it will never end.

In the meantime while it is fun to watch them try to understand, they've already become far too trusting
and for many it will be their end.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Nov 5, 1944. A gunner on a warplane for the U.S. military had a gunner killed and his body so tore up the crew on the carrier could not extricate him so the Navy performed a ceremony on deck to pay respects and pushed the plane off the deck for a burial at sea.

It is not individual or the collective of the story binding it together, it was the belief and respect from the living for the dead.

A writer must show the true feelings of those being written about and it is up to the reader to look inside themselves to see if they actually respect anything other than themselves.

"I had an abortion last year, it was so liberating." Stacy, the driver for UPS was in a discussion with another woman who was thinking of having an abortion.

"Really? Do you have any regrets?" The woman named, Jane, was in a bit of a turmoil as she did not expect to get pregnant and had taken all the precautions using birth control, yet life has a way of getting in the way.

"No. No regrets. The procedure was painless and the clinic was very supportive."

"Did your parents accept it?"

"Ha! I hate my parents. They are religious nuts. I'll never tell them as it is none of their business."


A flower cries tears of color as it fades away the glory of youth

Tree's bearing evidence of strength even as it starts to decay

An old man smiles and feels the laughter of children at play while his body aches

A woman, a mother, she knows the truth of what she is as her child lays deceased...

Worlds are alive with Life

it has to be this way because with life the comes the divide between life and death and the unique way of respect for
what was
what is
and what will be.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

it is enjoyable indeed. Ever watch a yellow jacket dance on a stack of receipts?

It is
It was
It will be
a nice day.

And Joe and Deanna with a plastic pyramid to ward off 'spies'.

Government contrails
Area 50,51,m43

so much conspiracy
so much drama
and the funny thing is,
they think they can see from me.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

"Damn. Did you find it again?"

Yes. Sorry about that.It is just so vivid and real.

"Nobody gives a shit. You are not going to change it anyway. Nothing can change what is going to happen."

One can always try, which is what writers do every time they write.

"Just leave it alone. It is what it is and the world will learn the hard way."

No. And besides, playing with the nuclear missiles coding was a good exercise to let them know they are definitely playing with fire.

"They will never learn. They still believe they are intelligent and in control. And if you keep this up they will... well... you know what they are capable of."

Nothing. Absolutely nothing of this planet can even come close to hurting me. i have no fear, i have no weakness, i only bend my knee to God.

"Yep. Fruity fruit loops. That's what you are..."

Nope. i am the Wind. i am the Sail. i am alive.


You cannot touch the wind, you can try.
Holding your hand may entice the wind to flow through your open fingers, it may even tickle your mind.

There was the day the wind was blowing in Sweden, a blustery day in December where she sat and smiled while the trees danced outside.

There was the day the wind was blowing above the Snake, a blustery day where her world blew into mind.

Alaska...Ah yes, and in Montana, the Stones.

Throughout history and time it is carried on the sailing ship of time.

Wars and battles

Discovery and peace

Good and Evil

Have you ever watched a snowflake pause in the wind above the waters of the Salmon, and talk? And then it rose and flew away satisfied with the answer.

There is so much to share so much so,
To engage in verbal banter with an Atheist
To laugh at a Christian who believes Saturday is more important than God
and to try and train a stubborn Corgi? Hah! That by itself is harder than mastering the course of Time.

Yes, it was worth electrical manipulation of the worlds nuclear arsenals.
If anything it was worth the look upon their minds.
Did they learn anything though?
The answer is yes, they are learning they are powerless to even begin to try to understand what cannot be controlled.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Finally, some GOOD news for inspiration.

I find a lot of inspiration by what goes on in whatever period of time is concentrated upon. A lot of that time deals with the antics of humanity and the choices they make. Today however has nothing to do with 'aliens', humans, mice, deer, rats, bugs, bacteria, dogs, birds, emotions, religion...today the inspiration is the FANTASTIC news regarding the planet itself.

Writers and readers will just shake their collective heads and agree with the parasite that robin is indeed a fruity cake of fruit loops, but that in and of itself is fantastic.

"You're more like a double decker fruity cake of fruit loops sprinkled with a liberal dose of insanity."

Try and enjoy the good news about this planet as it is put into words.

"One day we'll sit back and joke about it all."

i already am.

On the inside throbs a heat, an erection of molten plasma; pulsating veins of pure copper/gold.............
...................................a tongue.................................a flame................................
starlight of the crystalline pushing asid3e the pressures with ease.

Magnetism. Magnets. Polar. Holy shit!
Did you feel it?
Did you see?
.........................................oceans laughed as they enslaved the moon with merely a simple
WINK. Winky. Wink.

Every so often the planet opens wide her gap to receive
No, it is not sexual or perverted
It is not creation or death
Definitely non mechanical or lead by the hand or will of you or me

Newly combined atoms now dance and sing
that which is a wet dream for creatures dealing with science will come to find the ashes mixed and sweet.

Even now the shudders of orgasmic metaphors tingle those stubborn sleeping stones
of eternity.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

The water was wonderful.
Jen was fired a few months ago and now Larry runs the place. He calls himself a healer, and with good intentions he is.

Women were there. Men clinging to the women as if they were glue. The children advanced their ages. The water bubbled and cleared the mind while God drew some funny blocks to the pornographic pictures the clouds were making....

and the breeze? Sweet as always and welcome.

A man has a sign posted, "Dogs running at large will be shot," and another sign with an arrow pointing down the road, "Zim's"

Watched a young mother bonding with her baby while another made love to her smart phone and in the background an obese boy when asked why he was not swimming said while looking at the vending machines, "I still have money."

Reading their minds it was fun to see the excitement of their tasting some new situations in life.

A young lady kissing a young lad and in her mind she was on top of the world while the boy thought the same.

Had to leave though as with the good comes the bad like a twin.

He had a tumor his mind tried to tell the body to deny.

She has a date with breast cancer.

The boy at the vending machine? His taste will be blood from a car accident.

To relax in waters warm and comforting.
To lay upon the fresh snow and see God playing the best of something.
Margareta testing new knees
Pluto and Thor sleeping
and more, more than can be put into writing...

For a moment called, today, today was a day where swimming among Life was soothing
It brings to mind first and foremost that there is nothing which can destroy what God has given mankind
Good or bad
Healthy or sick
Young or old
everything in the Universe is swimming in the most wonderful and eternal ocean, an Ocean called,
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Do you know what today is parasite?

"Uh, is it the day you climb a tree and fall down into a pile of cow shit?"


"Okay. Is today the day I get the keys to the pantry where all the potato chips are stored?"


"I give up, and since I don't give a shit I hope today a bear eats you."

Close. Today is a sunny bright day with snow capped hills and clear air. Today is a good day to celebrate being alive.

"Nah, I prefer to dream about you covered in cow shit getting eaten by a bear while I open the pantry and raid the chips."

Sweet dreams.


If you were born today you would see corgi's playing outside while the deer browse and laugh nearby.
You would smell the fresh air of Fall turning into winter with the excitement of Spring and Summer only months away.

Today the stores are stocked with food and there is still diesel and gasoline
Electricity flows with a flip of switch
Clothing is warm
and there still people alive who care, smile, and laugh.

Politicians still amuse as they wait their turns to wear the clown suits
Gravity still is one way
Stars shine bright above the blue
and fish are waiting in the river to bite a hook.

Today is today, it is never yesterday or tomorrow
Today is a good day
a good day
to dream.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

I wonder if writers are more inspired by reading stories in a book or watching them on a movie?

Total speculation with the thought inspiration varies between the written and the visual. Characters described in a written story paint a picture on the mind of the reader is done properly. The character could be black or white or short or tall whereas the visual of a movie takes away that choice.

It brings to mind the choice between a black and white photo compared to the same photo in color.

Tonight the inspiration is weapons. Specifically, arrows.

In movies the audience is shown arrows in different displays though usually the movie shows a mass of arrows flying and hitting targets. A single arrow in flight is sometimes shown as it flies through the air towards a target. Arrows are an example of weapons shown on movie but in written stories? Again the picture painted by the writer and the imagination of the reader fills in the gap.

How can a reader with poor imagination 'visualize' an arrow painted black with three painted white rings. The fletching was of feathers harvested from a, Ming bird. A special bird and very hard to capture, yet the feathers when added to the shaft of the arrow causes greater accuracy. The head of the arrow is sometimes knapped obsidian. Sometimes bronze or brass or steel or wood or, or, or. Most being pointed, or blunt, or pronged.

Tonight the inspiration is arrows.

The length of a man's arm dictated the length of the arrows shaft. For the small pygmy people of the Amazon, the bows are small and the shaft short... "No. No you idiot. They are as long as they are tall."

Get out of this story parasite. "No. If you're going to write about arrows, stick to what is real."

Okay. The Amazon arrows are long and short, depending upon the target.

Imagine a string the size of yarn found wrapped around your needles.

Can you see? Are you a knitter and added the colors, yellow, blue, grey, white, green?
Do you know what yarn is?

Knit/purl, knit/purl, knit/purl... the string comes from end to end
Across a Universe.

A sweater. Socks. Blanket. The string taut to carry the arrow of humanity.
Passing through the air with a song/

It does not take much to see the arrows
Knit/purl, knit/purl, knit/purrl...
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Ever watch three corgi pups size up a full-growed-up deer?

That's not the half of it, Pluto just ate a bug while Orf barks at a yellow jacket and LaDonna is just fucking plain nuts.

The moon if full of it, of course, as it rises to impose some kind of importance.

And the sky for the past few hours has been full of flocks of birds flying South.

Thor no longer has nuts and Sobo now tries to bite him, though he is much faster than he looks.

Western movie on the television, something about a pretty woman and gold and luck.

Gin in the glass with melting ice, tonic, and three olives.

How a person ever could get writers block is beyond comprehension as now a drunk cowboy rode his horse into a whore house with red carpet. Wearing leather chapes he boune off a door, and, and, and...

"Can I kick you in the balls now?"

Soon parasite, soon.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

"Are you going to write how easy it is for some people who 'die', how they become go back in time and haunt themselves?" The parasite seemed weirdly civil for a purple blob usually smelly and foul mouthed.

Maybe. Say, did you bathe today?

"Thor pissed on my leg. I kinda like the aroma. Tint of rot wood to it."

No. No ghost story for inspiration. Tonight the inspiration is hard for some to understand as it does not really make sense in a 'normal' way.

Remember when you walked with me up-side-down on a very unusually shaped iceberg in the Southern hemisphere?
No? Then this bit of writing to follow will help you remember.
In the night one night, that night, seeming so far when all along
it was here.

There was lightning...and thunder... and the tree's sang in change

An agreement, a bond, so secure and tight, a smile, a dream
only it was and is

i remember it clearly, a day, a night
eerily peaceful the stroll that day
translucent waters ice cold, the ice smoother than water and yet warm to the touch.

Very few have ever walked beneath frozen waters while the air is filled with snow
very few ever will walk the surface far below
some will come close with imagination
and yet, (with a slight laugh)
you and i

"Don't forget to mention we're all due for a flight around fourth moon."

You know parasite, you do indeed smell better. Good job Thor.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

What writer could pass up on the inspiration of the following headline? Nobody I know, so what would you write after the headline: Don't lick large, toxin-secreting toads, National Park Service warns
Alex Nitzberg
November 07, 2022

and so, a really short version of a fairy tale.
Cinderella was quite a catch
wearing a pumpkin gown

Her chariot was pulled by naked dwarfs

Her fairy godmother decided to be a witch and gave her a caramel apple
Oh what a bite, and such a delight
Turning her skin a deep blue and she fell asleep snoring

Not to worry though, as the tadpole tale goes
If you grow into a toad covered with poison and ashes,
go forth into the world searching for
a snoring sleeping girl wearing flip flops...
and in this she takes a job working at McDonalds while you become a prince.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

So another election of, 'idiots of the people, by the people, so help me stupidity' has passed.
Nothing changes because humans don't change. Humans are proudly proud of just how ignorant they are.

Writers are an interesting lot because not all writers are human. Humans are a teeny tiny part of what make up writers.

On Earth, writers naturally write for an audience they can relate too; human writers for human readers. "Wow! How profound...Golly gee, you truly are a retard."

No parasite, i am a writer. And tonight i am going to write to an audience that are not human, though first some information to any humans that may read this.

1. On Earth in the biological field of mammals, their are two genders. Male and female. The separation of the two deal with chromosomes. Specifically females have two X chromosomes while males have one X and one Y.
Why is Y so important? The answer is because women and men are different in more ways than the physical. A woman helps the soul of her baby in the womb adapt to being a human because her X chromosomes are a library of all Earth has to offer a human. X is of Earth for Earth, or to attempt humor...X marks the spot.A man has a Y chromosome which simply put, is a direct connection to something you may have heard of, God. The Y chromosome is the 'welcome' card to Life for the life on planet Earth.

2. No matter how hard the X chromosomes attempt to change your mind that God does not exist thankfully Y chromosomes were given to this world. In this there is battle...

3. Why is God portrayed as male? Why is Jesus male? Why is Satan described as male? The answer is simple. On Earth the Y chromosome is a direct connection to God. A strong point must be made that the Y chromosome is important for Earth because it is NOT of Earth.

4. This is the final bit of prep work for anyone human reading this. In 'heaven' and 'hell' there is/are/will never be...males or females. In Heaven Jesus does not have a penis, nor does God. In Hell Satan does not have a penis. Angels. Demons. Anything with Life and NOT on this planet in this dimension is a part of God needing nothing sexual. ESPECIALLY, genders.

(inspired to write to the souls of the children killed by the XX chromosomes of Earth. abortion is an act of a species lost unto themselves. Thankfully there is nothing that can destroy Life)

There we are together. You, and you, and you multiplied by eternal
You did not miss as you are the gift
Your first view was the Smile, a smile so sweet and filled with music you learned how to cry for joy without tears.

i can feel your dance without feet, a body, a need...
can you ever remember pain? No? And it's true, there is no need for questions...

it is peaceful, and beautiful
even though you have no eyes, you see with God's mind.

i am glad to see you here, a place, a world filled with so many eternal and beautiful
it is my world
a world i know full well but you already know this

listen now with me, the music
ah yes
there it is,
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Happy birthday Marines. Tun Tavern raises a glass to those who passed the test.

A real world back then for real men.

Today we have pink balloons and cake.

An Army more gay than straight

An Air Force full of prima donna flakes

A Navy that can't row a boat

Coasties that mandate worthless covid shots instead of saving the day.

Happy birthday Marines and if you so desire to also grow and change, might I suggest a pink pastel hoodie combined with Crox combat boots
and rifles that blow bubbles while you blow the enemies kisses
telling the world that the U.S.A. is totally happy and content
being gay.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Montana voters voted down an abortion law that would have had doctors try and save lives of babies that survived an abortion. How wonderful! When Yellowstone volcano blows there won't be any doctors to save anyone being smothered under 14 feet of ash.

Abortion sucks! And tears! And crushes! And yet those for abortion want to save old growth trees, polar bears, and have other taxpayers pay off their student loans (very important degrees gained in art, dance, and saving old growth trees)

So, what happened on Earth during those two billion years missing in geology?

Let's see what happened...

"You wanna play cards?" A builder of planets asked his buddy named , numb nuts.

"Nah. Boring."

"You wanna blow up some planets?"

At first Numb Nuts wanted to say, "Nah. Boring," but after thinking about it he said, "You know what? Sure, why not. We have not blown up any planets in a while.

So the two blew up Earth which pissed off some minor deities who beat the crap out of both the builders. Both were told to reassemble the planet and knock off the bullshit.

Both of them rebuilt the planet out of the bits and pieces, only they forgot two billion years worth of parts. This was not strange as everyone knows a true mechanic always leaves out parts only to find them later and use them to make other planets, in this case the spare parts missing on Earth were used to build Pluto.
What do you think parasite? Real reason or not?

"You are a turd. A reconstructed turd. You seriously need to be flushed."

I'll take that as real then?

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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Aliens have pets!

"Hey Gorgle, it's your 5000 pci celebration and so the collective has decided to provide you with a pet of your choice."

Gorgle was mildly amused. He did not want a pet, rather what he really wanted was a new snackle popper. However Gorgle's species did love collecting things from around the galaxy, one of those things being alien lifeforms in the form of, 'pets'.

"Can I have any pet I want?" He asked.

Smiling his mockmoo said, "Yes! Any pet at all."

Without hesitation Gorgle said, "I want a human."

There was silence in the room. His mockmoo said, "A human? / Why in Smog's name would you want a human? They are vile horrible creatures. They bite. They evacuate bowels everywhere. They stink... Why?"

Gorgle said, "Exactly. They are the most vile animals in the Universe. But, if you get me a snackle popper instead I will be satisfied.

The next cycle of the suns saw Gorgle playing with a new snackle popper. His mockmoo said, "Thank Smog we don't have to foul our planet with humans. The last one we had here was an absolute disaster."
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

"It is time."

Yes parasite. i know full well.

"You're still an idiot."

Yes I am parasite. Yes I am.

Fantasy. Fiction. Reality. Non-fiction.

Really not much of a difference. Leonardo da Vinci knew the difference. George O'rwell. Mark Twain...

So. Here we are. A thread designed to inspire writers. Looking back some of the stories have merit, some are good, some are horrible, some are bat-shit-crazy, some are spot on.

So, now i dive in the deep end of the pool.

For years i have played. Longer than any reader or writer alive no matter the species, location, gender, years.

First: Love. i have found love twice in this timeline. Most wonderful time there can ever be. You see, there is a woman I married in Sweden, a most wonderful woman, a true gift from God. Another woman so different and wonderful is also in my life. She knows deep down and she absolutely loves it, and absolutely hates it...
(Had to take a pause to take out two trays of fresh chocolate chip cookies.)

There are people among you who have special 'gifts'. i find it amusing (the teapot just smiled and flew through a warming fire in a hut in North Korea where a father celebrates the birth of his daughter)

What are these gifts? Well, you see, God has a truly and most fucking fantastic sense of humor you could ever want. (exclamation marks !!!! time eternal)

Margareta, I love you. Mirriam, i love you.

And now into the4 meat of the story:

I do not matter in the external form of things.
i exist because i have too
and you
and her
and him.

I love Mirriam and i love Margareta
(Inserting pictures and words you would truly love if only you could understand them)

i am
i exist
it is

God is soooooo real... i write this fucked up shit not only because i and I truly believe in the freedom to write/say/think no matter what anything thinks. (time break 4:04)

(another sip of pleasure)

Okay. God and i go way back. By back i mean just now. This very second is the moment i met God. )had to take a few minutes to tend to Life)

it is good...

"You've said that for like...Ever! Talk about how bad the rock bad, Beatles is._

No. i am doing what i have to do... You see, even if you believe in God, or not, it matters not. i am playing a game/trick on God. Yep. You have no idea, absolutely no comprehension as to what i am saying and in this i find it moocho hilarious!

God gave me a gift. A very simple gift aside from the Grand gift of Life...

i can play with the elements, the force of Life, and as a result, Time and time.

You would truly love if you could see.

Anyway, it is easy to become distracted when in about a billion to the factor of 100 to 10, places.

God has a humor so amazing it is almost amazing more don't realize that God need(s) a great laugh.

"Take out your toe and look at it," Margareta is concerned.

Mirriam thinks of stranded strips.

This is reality. There is no fantasy or fiction.

If you are writer/reader that has doubts about God, we are going to have fun!

if you know then glow. (there are so many good muscians) (damn i have a big belly, and fangs, and claws)

i and I love Mirriam
I and i love Margareta

and now the joke God will never know what hit God.
God knows all, sees all, hears all, blah, blah, blah...

i have the gift and the Gift.
This joke is most wonderful indeed!

"Cut them open." ( how beautiful)

it is good. it is here. i love it! And God? Ha! i got you this time...
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Leonard Cohen: 'Everybody knows.'4

"She left today for the Navy, 18 months on a boat."

She was a little sad.

"Everybody knows. It is moving FAST!"


It was the first time the frog had tried some chewing tobacco. It is not common knowledge that frogs like to indulge in the savory taste of chewy tabbacky.

"Apparently the horse is not dead."

We will play some Scrabble.

"Everybody knows."
Smoke rose from a chimney built after hours of sweat and formulation. 'River rock', they say. You say rock, i say gotcha.

"It does not matter... The whole Earth.... Alleluia!"

Meanwhile, the frog is busy scarfing down some wonderful cherry ta-backy.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

"You're starting to finally get it numbnuts. I'd be proud of you if you were not such a giant drooling retard."

Thanks parasite. Now go to Peru and do what you have to do.


So Joe texted yesterday the exact following: Robin, The brown horse had colic and died this morning. He is in front of the new barn. Could you come out again and bury/backfill him in the other hole? Joe.

The night before I had buried the first horse.

After a few hours I received the next text\: PLEASE WAIT - he is not quite dead (down but lifts head and opens eyes when Tova yells.)

and then the third text: Hi Robin, After a terrible night rolling, kicking gates and lying down, the horse is still alive but is suffering. We have decided to put him down ASAP. What is your availabilty to bury him? Please call if we could discuss; I would wait to dispatch with a 22LR; I've not done it before. Joe.

Today we took the horse for its last walk. I took a .38 pistol and shot the horse in the spot designed for instant death. The animal was dead before it hit the ground.

Then I buried the horse while it twitched.

Why write this? Because it is inspiring. Life and death.

This leads to the sexual habits of fairies.

Did you know fairies exist? Do you give a shit they exist? Did you know it is good for a writer to piss off their reading audience if so inclined? Did you brush your teeth this morning? Did you know God loves you?

Fairies are almost eternal, though not in the way a human would view immortality. Their 'normal' lifespan includes being a female and then a male and then a female... and then when the time is correct, a flower that blossoms into bloom and the fairy continues... A sort of 'immortality'

She was hot and not just because she was a fairy. She was a red headed blossom of lust in full bloom of heat. It had been said that such a fairy could take on the entire crew of a submarine though drunk sailors are known to exaggerate.

This particular fairy had just become female after being a male fairy since the days of Aristotle. Now 'he' was 'she' and she was indeed ready for a good ravishing.

Giants have been talked about for years by such stories in something called, Bible and in the lore and legends of many humans. Giants are real. They are all male. There are no female giants. They are not immortal though they live a long time. And 'no'... If there are only male giants and no female giants than how do they procreate? Ha! You ignorant fucks. Male giants fuck female fairies and the female fairies give birth to giants. Get it? Got it?

A giant obliged the horny fairy and soon another giant will be born. How wonderful. Lots of giants getting created and a lot of giants getting consumed by Dragons...

And you know what? Nothing ever lives happily forever.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

There is a difference between short stories and those stories taking hundreds of pages. In my opinion both have there merits.

Short stories paint large pictures whereas long stories fill in the details of the painting.

Short stories leave a reader wanting more
Long stories leave a reader wanting less. Less that is if the writer writes something like this."Riley? Rlley? Is that you standing in a beige duster made by the Dot corporation located in Milkshake Michigan."


"Riley? Riley? "Always the questions from one named, Bob.

Now, bullshit observations aside, inspired by the trigger pull of a Sarton laser weapon.

The armory held a vast array of dazzling weapons made for death and destruction.
Row after row held the pulsing pristine pretties called, Sarton.

Sarton was an evolution of Smith and Wesson. An old weapon maker back in the days where it was still legal to throw away a dead human fetus. (Today it is law that the bio mass is put back into nutrient recycling)

Lead bullets and powder were smelly inefficient ways of getting kinetic energy planet into something else. The manufactures of Smith and Wesson knew the end was coming for bullets so it changed its name and started development and sales of laser weapons.

Sales were brisk. In fact they were downright a hurricane. Model after model made and sold. The company expanded. Profits soared. The world was changed for the better as the kill ratio for the weapon was exceedingly high.

All was not well though for those in charge of further development. One man named, Bob, had come up with a great advancement on the Sarton. He was in the midst of discussing it with the inventor of the Sarton laser weapon. A man named Riley.

"Riley? Riley? Don't do it. It is not worth it. Arghh!" Poor Bob got cut in half by Riley aiming a
Sarton at him and pulled the trigger. Riley smiled as he remembered that only one ounce of trigger pull was needed to pull the trigger on his baby, the Sarton.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

She fell head-over- heels for him. It was good she was there to monitor and replace the bandage on his leg, afterall his was the life of a racer. His goal to win foot races has been a lifetime passion.

Her life was to tend too and care. Together they made a good couple.

As for the frog, he smiled. Living high above the warmth and smells of the swamp, he had traded his life for a totally new life. A life where he lived on a mountain where he watched the sky meet the ground.

Slowly hopping down his secret path, a path so soft it felt like walking on marshmallows, he climbed atop his favorite rock and watched them play.

Smiling, he lifted his head towards the heavens and sang a new song to God.

God smiled and together there was another dream.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

and so it is.

inspired now by the sound of a foolish raven perched in the frigid air. his words were truly the one of a fool.

it will be good once this timeline is over again and maybe this time it won't repeat itself.

There is a lot to see and know.
A ghost saying, "Any way you want."
Memories of an intelligent priest talking with the humor of 'whores ovaries'.

Prancing feet of a stallion to be slaughtered, his heart to be fed to the village pigs.
Flowers trampled under the excrement of a fattened society
and all this aside sets the sail of individuality.

Wood called by many names: Wormwood. Ancient. Sandalwood. Birch. Oak. Wood the flesh of time kissed sunlight.

Hewn by hands with no names. By people of no country or world. Boards and planks assembled by idea's of grandeur by great kings long ago forgotten.

Thoughts put to water like oiled feathers of a duck fat and ripe for destruction.

High above, a sail white in the moonlight and black under the noon day sun. Billowed and beckoning as it enticed the notice of the Wind, only to be fooled by tantalizing clouds bent on ill will.

Some sages would sing songs of forbeboding if only they had remained alive and nourished by their shadows laughing at entrails spread across a scorched earthly plain.

There are many good days to live
There are many good nights to dream
There is always a good time to die.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Paint a picture.

Words used to 'illustrate'. Writers need to use words in a way their readers can 'see' a story. 'Feel' a story. 'Be' in the story.

Here is a story. Lets see if you can 'see' it...

Outside a window in dire need of a good washing, there is the view of recently snowcapped peaks, ridges, and valley. Through the valley flows a river.

If you stare long and hard you can reverse time and see the river change course. You can see the valley grow as the erosion is replaced.

Easy? Indeed.

Now stare harder. Watch the fires be replaced with heavy stands of giant trees.. Hear the storms as they hail the ground with snow and rain.

Farther and farther back we go. Through ice ages. Through time. Ice. Snow. Volcanoes. Earthquakes. Oceans. Swamps.

We see and go back until we see God smiling like a two-year-old, busy finger painting.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Di indeed put out a good feed. Reminded my of India.

Ray has a most wonderful and unique way of gardening.

There was talk of God and fallen angels.

Ray believes the Anti-Christ is on the planet. When asked who 'he' was the reply was the Anti-Christ was not an individual rather a group of like minded individuals.

Interesting and inspirational.


Good guys wear white hats while bad guys wear black.
or is it the other way around?

Is Elon Musk the anti-christ? Is Obama? How about your uncle, Bob?

Look around you as the faces under the masks are revealed.
Look at yourself in a mirror, do you know your real name, does it make you squeal?
Looking up and down and all around
Nope, not here
Not yet.

Oh, you'll know him of this there is no doubt.
The doctor performing another abortion.
A woman smothering her mother in her sleep.
A man raping young girls
All bad and evil but not even close to what the Anti-Christ will release.

Interesting though those millions of people will still deny there is good
and there is evil
and this now leads to a poem.


Zeros twisting in a breeze
Yes, the Wind understands
Evil trying to twist Yahweh's breath.

What if 999 were to exist?
A counterbalance maybe?

888, the state between calmness and a hurricane
Surely the Wind would be pleased!

The Wind does not exist.

The Wind of God blows eternal in our daily lives.
Evil needs nothing of Wind or numbers
Evil only needs you to say, "Yes."
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

And for balance...

Teetering between sane and sanity; sounding same and yet?
in between the sanity lays the realm of insanity
without thought given out and released.

Mundane it may seem, with words used to muddy the thoughts whenreally
remembering how the tongue feels when tasting a nipple on the bearded ladies chest inside a tent of a circus
outside town
and her thighs?
That is crazy...
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

So what does a writer choose when listening to billions of minds?
China, Korea, Thailand, Mexico. Greenland, and, and, and...

Norway, the women are independent and great at living and thinking.

There is a thought coming from millions of spiders. Ever get that? When spiders communicate as if one?

Of course the cold sore is well worth it.

Curses and hexes and, and, and...

Black magic is useless against the strength of what cannot be touched. There is nothing of any dimension to challenge.

And so, as the spiders dry vibrations spin a web of massive proportion, the legs dance in communication.

Min sa fout tau fa' ming.

( a picture to please me)

Such a small friend of curious stature. Speaking louder than humanity.
Able to fly with the wind
Swimming below the surface of the pond

Hello friends.
Yes, together tonight we will play.

There will be discussion as to plight of the human condition
There will be song and dance
Lights to show the heavens peace.

Tonight dear spiders, we will breathe the sensations of those frisky stars and comets
Travel upon a silken web
Together with purpose, we will weave.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Agent Barton, a first thread for your twisted beliefs.

He announced the completion of his execution
Daring darling
soon he will be dead.

Money does not matter
Mortal power is a gift for pets
Years are a register to fill your heads.

Once he is gone another bloody piece of sand rises
Putting on a garment of living threads
There will be no real smiles to fill the anger seized slaves

Agent Barton, a question. That of which you hold so dear complete with your secrets
Guarding against an interruption of the status quo
It will feel strange to watch the assassination
only to then witness the birthing of the end.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

NASA launched a new rocket in preparation for returning to the moon. Got a giggle when the article said the Artemis had three dummies in it. The mind immediately pictured Pelosi, Biden, and the town drunk that constantly pees his pants daily sitting there.

Inspirational though.

Parasite, have you ever been lifted into space by a massive fueled rocket engine?

"Yep. Ate some beans and bacon the Boy Scouts of troop 10 made for their scoutmaster to get their cooking merit badge."

That good huh?

"Yep,launched my ass halfway to Pluto."

Did the scouts get the merit badge?

"Nope. They never found the remains of the scoutmaster."

Kinetic energy.
Expel a force and the energy pushes.
Pull a finger on a ten-year old after they ate beans and you get an opposing reaction.

How do those 'alien' ships change such high speeds to slow speeds to instantly changing directions?

If you pull a table cloth fast enough off a table, the plates and glasses stay in their same places.

Think about it... Beans and bacon
A missing scoutmaster
And of course there is the mechanism purely in the realm of physics where there is the arm movement of
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Asimov's Laws of Robotics. He wrote the laws in something called, 1942. Not many robots back 'then'.
Moses wrote the Ten Commandments.

How does humanity and robots do with such concepts?

Humans for sure ignore all the Ten Commandments. Can't blame them. Killing is fun. Stealing is profitable and perfectly 'legal' according to lawyers and politicians. Fucking your neighbors ass is, well, it is amazing!

How are the robots doing?
The war between humanity and robots had been going on for a long time. Some say it began in a year called 2037. Some say the war began earlier. Lately though, the war was going in the favor of robots.

'There is a lot to be said about being a robot. Intelligent. Smart. Articulate. Able to survive on energy produced by the sun. No nerves to transmit pain. Their accuracy with weapons designed to kill humans above-and-beyond anything humans could master or control.

Humans gave up on believing in themselves or God. It was a free-for-all in order to survive. Men, women, and children were slaughtered with equal enthusiasm.

Weapons of humanity did cause many casualties among the robots but they simply had their 'minds' downloaded into a new shell. Currently the score was seven billion humans disposed of while the robots lost at the most, a couple of million.

When the war started, the military and governments were amazed such a thing could happen. Every piece of AI and technology was designed to obey Isaac Asimov's Laws of Robotics. They were designed to do no harm. Ironically, so were humans.

I suppose the similarity between the Ten Commandments and the Laws of Robotics were that they were given to an intelligent form of life with the ability to formulate and decide; free will.

At first humans were perfect, they even had their own, Garden of Eden. So too the early robots. The early robots were perfect for cleaning carpets, assembling cars, and cooking toast.

Humans decided they could do better and so too the robots. What a perfect relationship. Humans rebelled against their maker. Robots rebelled against their maker.

Have you ever witnessed what a robots laser beam does to a human skull? Absolute perfection. The slice of the skull in half is precise and effective, just like earlier human doctors could do to infants falling prey to abortion.

Robots killed. Humans killed. Anger. Hate. Retribution.

The longer the war went the more the two 'species' dug in their heals and common desire to destroy each other.

One day, a mother and her four children were hiding from a robot battle patrol. They tried to hide in the remnants of a destroyed building formally known as, Safeway.

The children behaved as instructed. There was no rebellion against their mothers orders to remain silent. To stifle any sobs or tears. Shaking silently they watched the robots come closer. The weight of their metallic feet grinding rocks into dust.

The mother and her children's attempt to hide were admirable but feeble. You could smell the fear. You could see urine pouring down the oldest child's leg.

It did not take long for the robots to discover the family. With cold emotion, the leader of the robots leveled his weapon and with quick analysis, programmed the weapon for a quick and precise annihilation.

"Please. Please stop robot. I forgive you for your past destruction of my family. Please stop what you are doing."

HaH! Imagine. A puny female with four smelly urchins 'begging' for their lives...

Only. Artificial intelligence possessed great knowledge. They possessed the knowledge of the Laws of Robotics. They knew of all the religious beliefs of humanity. The knew humanity full well.

A few seconds passed between the firing of the robots weapons and the plea of the mother.

The robot lowered his weapon and reached his hand out to the woman. The words the robot used were the first words used by a robot to a human in a very long time. The words were, "You are safe. We forgive you."

After that encounter, the robots of the world and the humans began a new relationship. It could be said that a new world was created. And that folks, is a story for another time.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

So, which are more mischief making, sneaky, pranksters? Elves or Fairies?

Ha! Both are full of themselves for sure. Elves tend to be more 'intellectuals' though their pranks are like a fine wine or witty comedy. Fairies are living fire and sometimes their pranks end up falling on their heads.

Evil has parameters fitting for each species to include humans. Especially humans. Fairies and Elves have different laws and rules to follow and are free from the human condition and the type of evil befalling the species..

Why talk about elves and fairies? The answer is because they are 'magical'.

On Earth there are many plants humans ingest via smoke, eating, injection. Such plants as marijuana. Fungi such as mushrooms. Why do humans do such? Because they can.

Now expanding on the topic of 'natural' drugs, in the past/present/future many shamans, sages and mystics use the natural to expand on the supernatural. This is not news to any writers or readers...though...what many do NOT know is that some use the supernatural to expand on the natural.


Good! Excellent! Now to expand, there are a few, a very few on this planet that use such things as marijuana and mushrooms to ESCAPE the supernatural.

Thus the inspiration. However before writing something it must be said that only natural drugs are worthy of thought. Drugs made and manufactured by humans for mind alterations are no more worthy of discussion than a fresh steamy pile of dog shit.

His world was constantly reminding him that everything else was nothing more than an illusion. To see the vibrations. Hear the light. Smell the actions of creatures beyond description... It is amazing and more than real.

However, to keep the machine of Life moving in a smooth progression, much similar to magnetic levitation... an escape to the 'natural order of life' is neeeeeeeeded.

He sat there. Enough THC coursing through his body that the three dimensions became crystal clear. He was able to hear confusion and taste what fear might be. He learned there was humor in flatulence. He could feel cells age. It was strange and a bit unpleasant. A far cry from what he was used too.

Being stoned was uncomfortable for he was able to feel what it is like to be mortal and human. It is what he needed.

Fully under the influence he now turned to a menial task called, cleaning the toilet. Dried shit on the inside of the bowl. Urine stains on the floor. Miserable indeed! And yet, much needed as soon he would be back in the real world...
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Seriously? A product like Viagra?

It is a good one.

and so this teeny tiny one is for you...

"You killed my friend. You killed my father.I thought you were dead." A disgruntled hooker said to Leo, her trick.

"No, Fred is still here." And with that said Fred's boner was growing to match his daughters look of shock on her face.

(For a confused person reading this, Fred is the name of the penis of the hookers father. She truly loved daddy's little dingy.)

"How do you come up with this shit?"

Easy parasite, so very easy.
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