Call for Submissions: “Dickensian Steamfantasy: A Very Unexpected 1800” - Urban Fantasy/Horror/Sci-Fi Anthology

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Call for Submissions: “Dickensian Steamfantasy: A Very Unexpected 1800” - Urban Fantasy/Horror/Sci-Fi Anthology

Post by ente per ente »

For all those that are interested (before others know...): :D :D :D

Call for Submissions

“Dickensian Steamfantasy: A Very Unexpected 1800” - Urban Fantasy/Horror/Sci-Fi Anthology

Think of what we know about Dickensian times, the 1800s, the industries, the political and social life and new struggles of that historical period, and so on. And now think of what might have happened instead, over the course of some very unusual 1800s, in a very different world, and what we don’t know about that!

Stories set in a varied, and unexpected 1800 full of fairies and creatures from the legends, some Steampunkish machineries whose workings operate in part in this world while other parts reach the boundaries of the Afterlife, strange creatures ruling over portions of a strange Europe, much stranger than we have ever heard of, and trips to a Scottish countryside where there are fabled beings you could only have believed that lived in dream-like sceneries, other than ghosts of humans and aliens staying among Earthlings, and well-known cities seen from a completely weird point of view and with unprecedented citizens maybe…A time when the soul of some coal barons might prove to be much darker than the dark coal itself!

Think of these possibilities: What if the famous Scottish engineer James Watt, the inventor born in Greenock, a town on the River Clyde, west of Glasgow - who had an idea that changed the world and made steam the driving force of the great Technological Revolution in the 1770s and 1780s – had just turned his attention to some unearthly things and built by chance some unusual workings that unpredictably bordered on the Afterlife instead of making steam engines more efficient and more powerful? What if German engineer Werner von Siemens focused on some unearthly studies about magnetism instead of the first electric railway? And what if American engineer Robert Fulton instead of designing the North River Steamboat preferred to make some new steam weapons that could attack big cryptids in the woodlands? And what might have happened if, after the first transoceanic voyage to employ steam power was completed in 1819, many American sailing ships with auxiliary paddles powered by steam had started hunting at sea old marine creatures that looked more similar to the recounts of some drunken seamen than to reality?

Deadline: until full
Payment:Exposure and Royalties
Short stories up to 7,000 words; Longer stories will also be considered.
Reprints: just in some restricted, limited cases, as long as you hold the rights.

Submission guidelines: Please include your name, address, e-mail address, the title of your story and its word count in your covering e-mail. Please submit your manuscript as a *.rtf or *.doc file (all other formats will automatically be rejected. Contact us prior to submitting if this presents an issue for you.)

Font and formatting: Please submit in Times New Roman, 12 point font; single line spacing. Please format the document to 1st line indentation of 1″. The page margin should be set to .1″ on all sides.

No headers, footers or page numbers.

Please check grammar.

Upon acceptance into the Anthology, we ask that Horrified Press holds exclusive publishing rights for one year from the date of publication; after that date has passed, all intellectual property rights revert to the author with the proviso that Horrified Press retains distribution rights in the format of the contracted Anthology.

This title will be available as an e-book and trade quality paperback.

Sergio “ente per ente” PALUMBO as Co-Editor and Curtis MANGES, as Co-Editor, will be presiding over this Anthology.

The title will be published by Rogue Planet Press, an Imprint of Horrified Press, under the supervision of Gavin CHAPPELL.

Email your submission as an attachment to: associazione (AT)

The email subject line must read “SUBMISSION— DICKENSIAN STEAMFANTASY – ‘your story title’” or your submission will not be considered for this Anthology.

Successful applicants will be notified before the deadline has expired, or as soon as possible.

Cover ( and Back-cover) Art: by American artist John “DavidsonHero” Rose.

There may well be some beautiful Sci-Fi/Horror themed black and white illustrations lurking on the inside as well, art by comics artists Davide “Atog” MARESCOTTI and Sara DELLACASA.

Waiting for Your best-ever-entries, of course!!!
(Here's one of Sara's drawings so far...)

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Re: Call for Submissions: “Dickensian Steamfantasy: A Very Unexpected 1800” - Urban Fantasy/Horror/Sci-Fi Anthology

Post by ente per ente »

The Call for Submissions has been posted also on the site of Schlock Webzine as follows:

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ente per ente
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Re: Call for Submissions: “Dickensian Steamfantasy: A Very Unexpected 1800” - Urban Fantasy/Horror/Sci-Fi Anthology

Post by ente per ente »

For anyone interested, and if You like some Urban Fantasy, Sci-Fi or Fantasy/Horror short-stories, or something like that, set in alternate Victorian times, in Europe, and North America, this e-mail message just to let You all know that the Anthology titled “Dickensiana Steamfantasy – A very different 1800s” , published by Rogue Planet Press, an imprint of British Horrified Press, is out now on and shop, edited by Mr. Curtis MANGES and myself. Supervision of Mr. Gavin CHAPPELL!!!

And thanks to all the authors/artists/illustrators included in this book for their wonderful job and their great contribution!!!

Here is, as an attached file in .jpg, the cover and the back-cover by American author/designer John “DavidsonHero” Rose, if You want to post that on Your personal sites/blog, for promotional use, and three of the many drawings ( by Sara ‘Larkabella’ ‘Ahlia’ DELLA CASA, Davide ‘Atog’ MARESCOTTI and Rossana BERETTA) that are in the book.

The drawings/artwork inside (one per story...) are by these great Italian designers/cartoonists/ illustrators: Sara ‘Larkabella’ ‘Ahlia’ DELLA CASA, Davide ‘Atog’ MARESCOTTI and Rossana BERETTA!!!

Here are the links:



Dedicated to Ketty Costa in Palumbo

Meticulous aunt, and a gourmet family chef in the tradition of great Sicilian food, who will be greatly missed by her husband, her family and all who had the good luck to know her.

Dedicated to Dario Canepa

The father of dear friend Ernesto, always full of youthful exuberance regardless of his old age, who will be greatly missed by all of his family and his wife as well as by all the members of Club “La Centuria”. The memories of his always-new funny lines, and pranks, will stay in our mind for long.

Dedicated to Pier Maria Mondani
A great dentist, as good (and innovative) as his father was. Every patient he served—and I'm honored to be among them—who benefitted from his comprehensive dental evaluation, proficiency and knowledge really developed a personal connection with him and had a long-lasting friendship. He will be greatly missed.

Foreword by Sergio ‘ente per ente’ PALUMBO and Curtis MANGES

Here is the Full Table of Contents and the name of the authors:

Fancy a Cuppa? by R. Morlocke

The First Anglo-Indian War by Carlton Herzog

Whispers by Sergio 'ente per ente' Palumbo and Ernesto Canepa (edited by Michele Dutcher)

London by gaslight by Randolph Stuart

The Unsettling by M. S. Swift

The Circus Train by E. W. Farnsworth

All the dark coal in the world by Sergio ‘ente per ente’ Palumbo and Ivan ‘BearOld’ Bertazzoni (edited by Michele Dutcher)

Fire of Faith by Cynthia Morrison

The Pickering Project by Karen Bayly

Raphael Semmes’ Shadow by E. W. Farnsworth

Peterloo by E. W. Farnsworth

Hunting the Morgawr by Sergio ‘ente per ente’ Palumbo and Alessandro ‘AleckMcroy’ Loi (edited by Michele Dutcher)

The Strange Case of Professor Tarr by Randolph Stuart

The Marie Triangle by Geoff Nelder

The Woodwose Gift by R.J. Ren

In Elphyne by Sergio ‘ente per ente’ Palumbo (edited by Michele Dutcher)

The Steamy Sentry by Cynthia Morrison

The Madness Beneath the Mountains by John A. DeLaughter

Contentment Revisited by Michele Dutcher

Warriors of the Air by Randolph Stuart

Only When Spoken To by Rhys Hughes

Steampunk Serenade by Carlton Herzog

The Journey Within by Gareth D. Jones

The Mummy's Charm by John David Rose

One Night at the Ghost Club by Sergio ‘ente per ente’ Palumbo (edited by Michele Dutcher)

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