Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »


Snip snip go the sharp edges of time

Snip snip such the power in the hand

People believe in the tangled mess of string or twine

Snip snip the strings of Hell

Today another strand cut

Snip snip the sound of time.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

The sounds of intellect


The bunnies are back~!~



The rabbit is smart, they have too being they are the minor magicians on the magic totem pole.

The rabbit told me something today, something to due with orbital degradation and fermented cheese...

"Brie?: she queried.

All of course, especially the stinky cheese.

She also said, "nice bus," and hopped along leaving with a parting statement, "did you see the stars last night shrinking?"

Oh my, she is indeed a wise bunny.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

"How do you vote?"


"How do you vote?"


"How do you vote?"


"How do you vote?"


"There are three votes for death and one vote for life. Death wins."

How wonderful the evil of mankind. To destroy, rape and pillage the fields, the forests, the minds, the soul, the world.

Death it is...

Destroy them all and all the end a beginning of it again.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

The paper fluttered to the ground. It appeared the paper had exited the pocket of a man in a great hurry to get someplace. In fact the man was out of sight before the paper touched the ground.

There was no one to pick up the paper, and why would they? No one picks up trash unless the paper resembles currency of a country, or maybe a lottery ticket. Beer cans, used condoms, random bit of paper... these are left for the Wind to read, and so, before the newest bit of lost paper dissolved in the element, the writing was read by the wind.

How interesting. It was a formula, or in better terminology, a recipe.

The recipe was for a biological liquid that when made using the exact ingredients in the correct proportions, it was an amazing substance.

If one were to discover what was lost on the paper falling from the man in a hurry, they would learn that the liquid mixed would sprout into a plant if dripped on steel coated with rust.

This plant had roots that joined with the steel while the stem and leaves were highly alkaline and far different than a woody stem or typical moisture laden bio mass that the Earth has plenty of.

While this plant is amazing, its movement and music were stellar. It's replication amazing.

Sadly, no one on this planet will ever get to see it.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

The ground giggled (ground is a cheeky bastard, coy and all)

Oh my, giggle indeed!

A moment an Eagle shook free his wings.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

"Into the breech thy chasm of hell; damn the beasts breath."

"Sir? Are you alright?" YThe young Lieutenant was a bit disturbed with the sounds coming from his Commanding officer.

And so, we go, down a giant rabbit hole.

(even now the support of the wings know the sensation)

Sensing the moments as they fall (insert picture: reel of left and tending right)

There are memories as if not only yesterday, this the yesterday of tomorrow.
How profound the sounds prose
the peal
the sorrow

it never grows old...
and it is
inside you.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Something bad happened today. Something bad always happens today, but today was different.

This afternoon the taste of the air was sour, full of despair.



There was the scream of millions of souls knowing what was to happen to them. Something bad happened today.

And then...

there was the solace of potato chips, ice cold water, and the comfort of futility.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

three layers to the hull of the ship. The ship is alive with immortality achieved by regeneration.

The inner hull is biological; source of construction, usage, comfort, and intellect.
As the process ages there is a recycle of primary nutrients derived from the inhale of particulate matter from )delete(

The cycle is as necessary due to matter/time distortion.

After the inner hull pushed away because of designed magnetic pulsations and crew viability, the detritus hardens past (delete). This then becomes the second layer.

The second layer is now strong enough to manipulate matter from ((delete)). This allows the travel quarium to exist. A balance between the first and third layer. Mortality is allowed due to the sacrifice some travel quadrants necessitate . This is offset by the control of the first layer.

The 'deceased' parts of the second layer are then subjected to massive ))delete(( The energy through space/time distortions are MASSIVE.a

The third and outer layer of the hull of the ship is now attained. (delete, delete, delete, )4

All with a touch of a hand
All with a thought
There is no death
It is good humans are clueless tools in the entertainment arena.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

He stood on the edge of an immense canyon. Below his feet the blackness soaked up the Sun, leaving him to view obsidian as black as the blackest cat.

There was the yearning battle of night and day. The consumption of a matrix full of endless combinations.

Standing there for years he watched the night stars below him twinkle (not in atmospheric distortion, rather they twinkled in rhythm of an ancient song forever sung) The Moon was the judge and mute as punishment for the tidal deeds.

Tribes of man spread across the horizon, smoke of council fires the communication to life and being. Man was always on the search for malcontent and forged by their anger an armament of complete success.

He stood, as he always has until the moment was correct to throw a rock at the Old Eagle.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Today I read an article about a Satan club getting school permission to wear Satanic clothing. (normal clothing with a strong allusion to Satan). Now, it was not the inspiration from the talk of Satan, rather it was what was in the article where the one interviewed from the Satan club said, "We don't believe in satan." Followed by the usual blabber so easy to understand.

It is inspiring to talk of good and evil, Evil and Good. It is interesting to see how authors and writers deal with such topics.

I wonder what those who honor and respect satan and Satan would do if given the chance to talk to God. For me my conversations are enlightening . For example:

Hello God.

"Hello Robin."

Thanks for today. Take good care of Rob Beesom.

"I will."


God talks a lot. So, lets 'imagine' a member, a devout member of the Satan/satan club talking to God.

The man/woman appeared to be normal. Proper hair for the period. Proper clothing. Intelligent. They did not ask, they stated...

"God does not exist."


"We are masters of ourselves. Our choices."


"I have no need for such fantasy."






Amazing. God speaks constantly, (and has a most crazy sense of humor)
The whole time the person talked, God replied. As obvious as the period at the end of this sentence,
and that's a fact
and now, onto the meat of the matter.I love eating pussy/kicking ass This is the name of a song. I used 'kicking' instead of 'kickin' because the story becomes a triangle of three leading to chaos.

So, as a writer, what would you write? For that matter, what is your mind thinking when reading "I love eating pussy/kicking ass?"

Crude sexualty; redneck music? A profane story? Common degradation of the American way of life?


is the song about a family in China that loves to eat cats after a hard day of farming. A day where the only relief of the stress of work is to kick their miserable domestic farm animals just because they can and find enjoyment in doing so?

"I love you"

Yes God, you take care of everything just fine. Just fine indeed. Now a question for you. Why do men who age, lose hair growing on top of their head only to have it start growing out of the ass?

"HaHaHa! A job has perks."
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

A Collective First

Written by: Light

Light is pure as it is purely simple. Illuminating and showing the obvious. Erasing the confusion of darkness.

With light comes warmth as the rays carry the life and energy from the fusion of the sun. Coating, covering, and planting deep the need for growth and understanding.

There is no debate for spectrum of division and identity. None.

A mothers smile is a result of light.

A fathers concern for his family is a result of light.

A world sleeps in darkness waiting for the light of day.

The species had many beginnings just as it had many terminations. In the human species the beginnings and terminations continue, only now, the light has revealed such a simple fact with great clarity.

A species constantly discovering the power of flame and choice. Ever searching to differentiate the colors of the spectrum of life.

There came to be for the species, a ray of light always there even in the darkest of oblivion and empty blackness. They slowly learned the light was there, that it was coming, and while they received it with open eyes, they also clung to the comfort of blindness; embracing the ice cold reality they were so very much more familiar with.

Jesus flickered for a brief moment. A moment a star shined brightly in the sky. A moment where the power of mankind seemed superior with death as their champion. A moment of illumination.

The darkness was revealed for what it was and now for what it became. A change of hearts. A change of minds.
Today, another dark day in the world of man there remains His Light.

Lucifer knows of the light. An Angel of light. A child of God. Lucifer needed the darkness. The darkness of life. A color of blackness so comforting to so many for so long. Lucifer sees so many species through the prism of absolute clarity, the clarity blackness reveals.

Sitting at the table there came to discuss the bright whiteness of light and the powerful shadow of blackness. Sitting there, as if a moderator, as if one was one or one was infinity, there became the obvious. Both so powerful. Both so needed. Both the color of God.

Galaxies. Universes. God. Self. Whole. One. Infinity. Light. Black. Life. life.

The table is small as there is no need for a grand table carved of gold and set inside a palace so grand it would never be totally in the dark of night or the light of day. No, the table is small as light needs no space nor does the blackness of the shadow. The table was a place to sit and learn. To ask questions. To feel. To be. It is the place where there is no doubt about God.

Species come and go. They learn. They evolve and devolve. They embrace the light. They embrace the dark.

While children are wide eyed beings grasping the newness of their environment, they discover the power they all have inside. The power of light and darkness. They grow to make choices to fit their needs.

Jesus is the perfect example of what a species on Earth called, human, can become. To free themselves from the fear of death. To be kind and loving. To even approach the choice of sacrifice with a different view than one makes when embracing only one spectrum of color.

He will be here in the flesh again. Of this there is no doubt as you can see him now in the eyes of so many men, women, and children. Their eyes glow with the rich color of Life. Their minds emit strings of goodness for those who wish too, to grab and enjoy.

i have been blessed with so much. To swim in the blackness of an ocean so black and deep, filled with the greatest of evil. To actually see the true blackness of Lucifer and to talk with a music rich in evil. So real. So vivid. So powerful. And yet, to turn the head and be blinded by the voice and color of Jesus.

Sitting at the table in a room called, God. Most fantastic. Most enjoyable. To walk this world seeing the choices mankind makes. To feel their minds and warmth of their souls. So many choices. So many chances. So much love and laughter. So much evil and hate.

Pain. Sorrow. Horror. Joy. Peace. Absolution. Forgiveness. Words to describe the journey . A necessary journey for all species. A wonderful journey.

Funny thing about the table though... In the room there is only a small table, there are no chairs, there is however the endless vibrations of music and the most enjoyable soft palette of laughter.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

The lake was flat and calm. Above, the sky held a few curious clouds of no import other than to add contrast.

A wooden paddle. A green plastic canoe. Two fishing poles. Some worms. Most importantly, no anger, hate, stress. There was the feeling of peace.

Watching the lake aquatic weeds scatter as a large fish with large teeth, lunged after its small prey.

Pelicans spied many schools of fish and fed openly.

A car came filled with a mother and her two children to the parking lot near the beach. The two placed a white feather in the sand as an offering to art and inspiration. Their voices of excitement carried far out into the lake, "Over here! I found another one."

Billions of small flakes of algae tumbled by the anchored canoe, reminding a viewer of oatmeal flakes. It almost seemed the flakes had a life of their own as they played tag with each other.

Sitting there, the sun tracked the shadows of the swooping birds caught up in the search for food.

Suddenly a tug, and then another. Setting the hook a perch was slowly pulled to the surface. There was strength in his determination to escape what he had fed upon; a hook sharp and persuasive.

Into the net he was hauled and then carefully held while the hook was freed.

Holding the magnificent specimen of health and beauty, thanks was given as thanks must always be given for the gift of life taking life so that life may continue.

It was a good day. A day where memories collided and fish bit. It was a day of laughing children, loud music of passing boats filled with happy people.

Today was a good day. Tonight is a perfect night to dream. Tomorrow there will be another memory to treasure.

Paddling back to shore, the day was a day
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Sunlight sample the glass, and if it finds it to its liking
it enters through
a vision.

Walking the winged yellowjacket tries.
To enter its mind.
A hunger.

Searching the pane
feeling, not trapped
Preening with pride.

Today the insects spoke so much the laughter broke

Smiling always at the stink bug jokes
A persistent spider
And a sun,
sampling glass.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Hi Joe! Hi Jane! Hello boys and girls. It's me, Big Bob Balinski. Owner of Big Bob Balinski butt enhancements.

What's that? You say you don't need butt enhancements? Why I'm here to tell ya that there is not a butt alive that's not in need of some excitement.

"Excuse me sir." Big Bob Balinski had the lower part of his shirt tugged down by a small timid looking boy.

What? What can I do for you little boy. (Big Bob Balinski bent over to ask this boy)

"You can define the paradox created by a pan-stoll effect. According to past Einstein theory there remains different action leading all to the same result."

Yes. Yes it can.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

There is the smell of Bitteroot lake. Located on the shores of the lake there is a camp called, Presbyterian Camp.
Dave Gibson before he turned in a world, "Don't stare at me like that."

The fear in the heart of others feeds the need of some.

There. Right over there. A camp of Flathead indians. See the woman smiling. She had a good day.

Rotting corpses laying to expose an indifference to those scavenging. No one to bury as they themselves remain unburied.

Nordstrom and the fishes.

Biden and the hair.

Putin leads to the smell of stuffing and baked turkey.

There is comfort in the smelling of well worn clothing hanging after one important retires for the day.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

A list.

1. Aluminum foil wrapped around head. "Check."

2. Aluminum foil wrapped around cock and balls. "Check."

3. Draw map of where car keys were last placed.

4. Place map in secure location where it is impossible to forget.

5.Try and remember where the map is.

6. For the love of god, please try and remember where the map is.

7. Don't worry. Be happy.

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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

"That was a fun ride on that bass!"

Glad you enjoyed it parasite. Last cast of the day, beautiful sky, wonderful lake, it was good.

AOC, looking to match GOP’s ‘uncomfortable’ abortion conversation, talks about her IUD during House hearing Abortion is abortion is abortion. Everyone writing about it has something to say, but AOC and her IUD is definitely inspirational.

Imagine if the Rider named, Death made a personal disclosure...

The bar was called, Rusty's. It had been in the Arizona desert for a long time. It was there when the railroad tracks were laid, it was there in the three major wars, and it was still there for the beginning of World War Four.

"What will it be?" The bartender was a large black man. A product in human evolution, once of one of a group frequenting,the many cities destroyed in WWII. His ancestors hailed back to what was once called, Chicago.

The rider of the black horse snorting fire while hitched to the post outside the bar said, "I've got a confession to make. I don't like liquor. I love pink lemonade mixed with mashed watermelon. Do you have anything like that?"

The bar keep snickered and replied, "You don't drink and you're sitting in a bar?"

"No. I tried it a few times but it makes me nauseous. Actually, bourbon actually made my skin turn purple."

Bar tenders usually make for good listeners, this one however was an arrogant prick, or an asshole. A reader can decide, readers always decide. So being 'whatever' the bartender laughed and said, "So, would you like a sippy cup with your pink lemonade and mashed watermelon?"

"Barkeep, I have another confession to also make. Come closer..."

The bar tender could not get rid of his smirk as he came closer to Death. "What is it? Are you gay? Did you vote Republican?"

"No. No, I don't concern myself with the affairs of humans, I do however enjoy eating their brains." And with that said, Death consumed the small brain of the bartender. He then made himself a pink lemonade with mashed watermelon and a tint of hypothalamus, and just for a special treat he placed a little bamboo umbrella in it. After finishing the drink he went outside, mounted his horse, and went forth to help do his part with the new war.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »


Written by: The Stone Maker

It took the old man awhile. Awhile, a word so easily used in day to day conversation. A word used where one stops and visits with another they have not visited with for a year or so. For the old man, awhile involved ice ages. It involved many units of time.

Old men shuffle their feet, this old man did not shuffle his feet, he just took tiny, precise steps. Each traveling the same length in the same time as he always had walked.

At his side was a large ring. It was made of the finest copper and heavy. So heavy there was not an animal alive that could lift it. No whale, elephant, horse, ox.

On the ring were keys cast of bronze. The metal was tarnished into a nice patina whereas the copper ring was so shiny it glowed.

As long as he had traveled ,his pause was sudden at the last door in the long tunnel carved into a solid rock mountain.

His fingers shimmered in a silver glow as did his eyes. They matched the color of a full moon. Carefully he grasped the correct key and inserted it into the door. Swinging open the door, the view exploded into the story of a galaxy. Glowing orbs becoming suns, smaller balls being spun of the finest galactic silk; planets in the making.

Smiling, he threw the key into the room and softly closed the door. The door instantly turned into a wall of stone.

The old man turned and worked his way back down the hall, stopping at each door along the way and opening them.

So many doors. One would show lightning striking a tree and igniting it into a flame large enough to consume a world. Another showed the oceans in storm.

The man smiled as he opened the door revealing a planet filled with large reptiles watching an asteroid impact their time.

After opening each door, he would throw the key inside and close the door, where it would do as all the others and turn into a wall of stone.

There was one room where he opened it and saw a black sky. Below, a man hung nailed to the cross while the people cried and lamented. To this, he bowed his head and slowly closed the door, still holding the key in his hand. The key did not go back onto the copper ring, it went into a hidden pocket in the mans robe.

Rooms after rooms after rooms... So many. Each filled with a story, a lesson, a blessing.
Rooms of war.
Rooms of sex.
Rooms of societies and governments.
Rooms full of love, and rooms full of hate.

Finally, the old man had opened and closed each door in the tunnel. He exited the entrance of the tunnel and under the light of the split/sun directly overhead, the man cast the copper ring into the air where it hovered and grew larger. It grew large enough to completely encircle the entry to the mountain.

With a wave of his hand, the copper aged far past the colors of patina. The ring bonded to the stone of the mountain and then slowly shrunk in size while pulling the mountain down until both the entrance to the tunnel was completely closed and the copper ring nothing more than a yellow flower in bloom while a bumbled bee was intrigued by its smell.

Smiling, the old man sat on his favorite rock. Taking off one of his sandals, he reached down and rubbed his tired toes. He then repeated the same procedure for the other foot. Rubbing his toes together he stood and stretched his arms towards the sky.

His bare feet grasped the earth with talons harder then diamond, heavier than the copper ring.The silver glow from the man grew in intensity, his arms stretched higher, and higher and then...

Standing there now stood a mighty oak tree. Its bark the armor of Life, its branches full of living possibility's. Birds nested there. Squirrels played. Rabbits raced around the trunk. It was a scene full of serenity and peace.

As the day ended and just before the shadow of the mountain touched the tree, there was the glow of a shiny bronze key hanging from a branch.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

there is an odor to the sky today
clear of war planes full of death
clear of sounds angry people make
clear of chances desperate people choose.

there is an odor to the sky today
lavender crushed between fingers and inhaled
smells of puppies at play
getting rid of materials designed to grade hate.

there is an odor to the sky today
today the sky smells great.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Carpet Cleaner

Shag to rag to sheer and pile. A carpet for every room and every reason.

Such the smell of new chemicals when first laid, then to season and color.

She ran a cleaner, a rental of sorts, her job to be a cleaner.

A little water, a little steam, a little degreaser and some detergent.

Back and forth, back and forth, wearing nothing more than a bikini and humming a song to fit the reason.

Clean water turning black and sudsy

Then the carpet was done.

With a petri dish and some of the cleaned carpet black tarry substance left from the cleaning,

to clone a Democrat, a Republican, a Dalai Lama, a Putin...

but fuck it, she had a bikini on and now there is a clean carpet.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

So many bizarre headlines lately, "Putin and nukes!" "Trans and girls!" "He did this while she did that!" "Biden has a vagina!" So much it has become comedic AND inspirational:

Aliens spotted by U.S. Navy hovering over a Domino's Pizza store. A mass orgy of midgets followed the sighting.


Biden plays with own fecal matter while bathing.


Trump to undergo gender change. Desires to become a giraffe.


It's official. The four seasons are a product of white supremacy. Government to pass law banning seasons.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Hey parasite, if you had an indigenous name what would it be?


Pissipeepee? What does that mean?"

"Pissipeepee means, to pee on ones toes."

You don't have toes.


So parasite, Jeremy told of his dream. He was trapped in a yellow bus careening down a desert road while music notes flew by. The driver of the bus was a rhinoceros. The driver was dressed in a suit and was laughing manically .

What does it all mean parasite? Fill us with your gooey wisdom.

"I've got some goo for you..."

No. Seriously. What did that dream mean?

"Dreams. Okay. His dream dealt with a transition in his maturing and family obligations. Trapped in a vehicle in motion translates into kinetic/dynamic course of the present, a present he faces even when faced with aggression. The music is familiar, and thus a part of family, the suit signifies what he could but does not want, to become..."

Uh? Are you retarded? His dream was because he drank a keystone light beer while eating funny looking mushrooms the grow out of cow crap.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Yes Jeremy, time travel. Time travel is inspiring and poorly understood. Some think you need a 'machine', others say magic, some say ability.

Time travel is easy. All you have to do is to grasp the correct thread.
Hold your hand level before the eyes. Above and below the hand resides the threads of time.

Pull one and you are there as a young woman shows her pig in a Cottonwood fair.

Pull another one to see the day you were born.

Pull another one to look down upon a body now dead.


Time travel is really not travel as time is not really real.

To exist at any time you feel, to be and see, and still feel.

Time is so easy to unravel, even if knotted into a mess, and it does not take the amateur route of a space ship playing a dimensional warp game of chess...

Imagine, to exist with the ability to play full of laughter, with time.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

( he sat there smelling of dried sweat. a ripped pirate T-shirt speaking of occupation. dust everywhere)

So. Spies, spooks, keeblers, godsmacked, security, intelligence agenicies. Ha! Let me tell ya what.

On this planet there are governments, societies, a whole fucking civilization crawling all over Earth. In each group there are more groups, and more groups, and more groups, until there are leaders of groups who are leaders of groups...

(his mind wondered as he pondered the cost analysis for Ruffle potato chips to make and profit upon a 1 lb. 11.oz bag of Cheddar and Sour Cream chips)

Where was I? Oh yes. C.I.A, F.B.I, NSA, Israeli scout troop #75, Putin, Frank, and a little puppy named, Hitler... So who controls what you ask?

Neural activity, or as it is called (bioelectrical K script) brings together the thoughts of animals, of plants, of people.

As cause-and-effect is stable; Normalacy of the conjunction between four plus dimensions. It brings about so many worlds cohabiting the spacial of three.

(he knew his worlds of mush was just some drivel of fantasy/reality/imagination for many readers, so eating another chip... He continued.)

In other words. Really simple words. Your mind operates on a platform of dealing with so many combinations arriving at exactly what you are now. Sooooo... for the likes of agent Barton everywhere in everyplace. You all are the neccessary neurons needed for THAT which is the next level and in complete control of you...

Now, the parasite and i would like to say to five very special agents... A hearty hail and fuck you!
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

The lamb was born in February. All the lambs in the flock were born during the months of January and February. Usually when the natural elements were at their most foul of moods.

When the lamb was born he was lucky because his mother was a ewe that was not old in age nor was this lamb her first. This made his entry in the world a lot easier, especially since he was born in the middle of a warm and sunny day.

After running around during his first few days, he was castrated by a method of a small elastic rubber band which was placed around his tail and his scrotum. His first experience with pain lasted for a day and soon he was up and running with no thought other than to be a part of the sheep family.

The lamb grew quickly as did his fellow lambs. The Spring grew into the drying of Summer and soon the leaves on the trees changed color and started to flutter to the ground as Fall arrived.

It was another sunny day, a day where the flock was grazing near the timberline. It was peaceful and the grass here was green and vibrant, unlike the dry grass on the meadows where they usually grazed.

Eyes watched the group of sheep. The eyes belonged to a female lion, one who was fond of the taste of lamb.

The lions tail twitched back and forth as she sat on a lodged tree whose fall was arrested by a larger pine with big branches.

A hunters instinct is to attack weakness with surprise and strength, both of which were on her side as she leaped from the tree and with swiftness of experience, attacked the group. She singled out the nearest lamb and he leapt back in fear, his mind telling him to run.

It was soon over, as the lioness leaped high and plunged her kill claws on both sides of the lambs neck and bit deeply with her fangs.

The area was clear of any other sheep, they had run away as fast as they could leaving the victim to be the prized meal of the lion.

Ironically it was a warm sunny day, and in the trees the birds sang songs sounding happy and fresh.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Kanye West causes inspiration to write happy positive stories.

Joe Biden causes inspiration to go take a long, painful, and complicated bowel movement.

Today's inspiration is about the electric cars catching on fire after the hurricane in Florida. Mankind's love of technology and what happens when it goes wrong...

Imagine another species, another alien race having something go wrong.

"So beautiful!" 'She' was not human. Never was, never will be. She was a creator of Life, and she just finished building a planet that would come to be known as, Earth.

"Yes. It is a beautiful place. What kind of creatures are you going to make?" Her companion was not a creator of Life, he was the one who cleaned up Creations mess.

"Oh yes. I'm going to make a most wonderful of loving species." And so she did, except at a critical moment she sneezed.

"Shit..." She looked frustrated.

"What happened?" He asked.

"The species was going to be my best work yet but in my sneeze I messed up and this is what I created." Below, on the surface of the planet, some men were raping women while some women were killing babies, and every human was defective.

"You want me to clean up the mess?" He asked.

"Yes. If you wouldn't mind. Next time I'll do better."
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »


"Let me guess, fishing?"

Yes parasite and you're invited.

"Can I eat some of the worms?"

You can have two, I need the rest to wage war on the fish.

"You're not going to catch any."

Oh contraire parasite, I'm bringing the harpoon along. Inspirational.


It's dark at the moment, the Sun a few hours away.
Sneaking up to the horizon to flip a switch on a fishes desire.

A nice wiggly worm impaled
Squirming and wishing it was anywhere but on a hook.

Their last view is an open mouth charging
leading to a fishes last view of an ice chest in a cooler
while the world of mankind waits for
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Pink diamond sells for $49.9m, breaks auction record

How inspirational. Value. Treasure. Priceless. A pink diamond sells for close to 50 million.

On a personal level a diamond is par with dried elephant shit while gold is perfect bait to catch human greed.

Copper is FAR superior in value on so many levels that gold is like dust on the dried elephant shit while
'common' granite makes a diamond of any size or color makes a dead fish more appealing to wear than a carbon turd.

"Good day huh?"

Yes parasite. A most wonderful day. Putin turned 70. Fish bit fast than one could reel them in. There was the lovely thought of humanity nuking themselves into diamonds and residual gold fillings. Yes indeed. Perfect. In fact, the demon in the hotel knows full well the name of Jesus. So fun to watch it scare the shit out of those who feel such things.

"Did you take your meds?"

Yep. And now, value.

Father constantly taught by example
Mother constantly was involved
Family and God are the most valuable treasure on any planet
the rest is just an illusion bordering on the absurd.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »


Time check: 8:22am 8 Oct 2022

During the night light of hours hidden from the sun, there were no shadows.

Rabbits played at the hidden game while an owl exercised wisdom

Crickets ever so bold, announced they were the background music

and the elves? One was mining a crack in the wood while another made a peanut butter sandwich

Did you hear the rattle as a Dragon soared?

An air whale inhaled the smoky dreams while some travelers looked, or should it be better said, peered between the pane of glass separating the windows of worlds?

Reality by definition of pure experience, really is not, real
the vibrations of giggles, and yes, the tones and colors of anger
today though, the light splashing around like waves in a bucket, indeed seem to make the illusions real.

i know better, oh my (said with a smile and laugh) today is and always will be
another memory like yesterday, today, and tomorrow...
resting securely in my back pocket.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Asian stink bugs. They came from Asia to include China, which China is part of Asia and therefore Asian. And China is actually a large part of Asia. (a shout out tribute to the way Kamal Harris speaks to people)

Asian stink bugs are inspirational as well as China, a part of Asia...

The boy was a genius. He was only ten years old but he knew his way around insects. He found them fascinating from the time he could first remember.

There were countless encounters with spiders, ants, flies, beetles. He pried them apart. Studied them under the lens of a microscope. He even had tasted them as a food source.

What he currently was looking at was totally amazing. On the table before him was a living Asian stink bug. An invasive insect to North America from China in the late 90's. The insect was first found on the East coast and has currently spread to 44 other states.

They were a curious bug. Their 'stink' actually smelled like cilantro. They ate crops but for the most part, were harmless to humans... That is, until the boy pull back the folded wings on the back.

Small red letters glowed. The letter showed numbers followed by the symbol for hours , '347.22 hrs.'

This was an amazing discovery. as the numbers changed as the minutes went by, "347.21, 347.20, 347.19..."

Intrigued the young lad took the bug to a scientist in the biology department at the local community college.

"What do we have here?" The scientist asked the boy.

"Take a look for yourself." The boy replied.

Pulling back the wings the scientist saw the red numbers, "334.57"g

"Amazing!" A proper reaction to a bug with glowing small red numbers.

"Lets do a test," and with that the scientist used various gadgets to test for energy output,thermal temperatures, and even a radiation test (just for giggles)

"Oh shit!"

"What's wrong?" the boy questioned the obviously distressed intellectual.

"The bug is radioactive."

(Yes, the millions of stink bugs from China were indeed radioactive. The Chinese had implanted a gene into the bugs in the nineties that when the time was 'right', all the bugs spread across all the States, would explode in millions of tiny thermonuclear explosions.

It's a beautiful and wonderful world. Yes indeed
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