Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

What happens when you water a plant, or touch the leaves of a tree?

A lot.

Inspired by a recent talk with some lavender.

Such a smell released by God
in voice of reason and logic
the dreams alive with the morning

such a sensation released by God
with love of ability and imagination
the same when bonded with Life

A task
A job
A reason
Love has meaning far above/far below/here/beyond

Smelling Life bringing to mingle the odors of past/present/future
God then winked while riding a stink bug
and the corgi's laughed in mischief while playing tricks on fairies and elves
with Margareta praying and Blake Sheldon singing , "Gods Country'
It is
this smell of morning.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

It really does not matter; this and that regarding time.
A few years ago 'it' happened on the ocean fronting Alaska.
A man owning a boat, getting paid.

Crab potting, a term to describe placing a person in a commercial crab pot, taking the pot out to sea, and dumping it.

Many times from your time to the time of theirs, it occurs, it happens.
To crab pot.
So many minds to enter in those last seconds.
From the ones shot and stabbed
to those placed in the crab pot

Even now, like yesterday and tomorrow
to enter those with ease
to experience the last gasp,
the last scream.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

The Unlucky Man

Written by: A whisper of wind

He was the unluckiest man on the planet. It was hard to be unlucky as the inhabitants of the planet were all lucky.

The men were strong, handsome, and succeeded at whatever they put their minds too. The women were beautiful, intelligent and the children were absolutely adorable.

For him, he was born in a very painful birth which caused the death of his mother. He was ugly and deformed.
His younger days were filled with mistake after mistake which followed him into his years growing older.

Other children mocked him when he was a child. He was excluded from clubs and groups. No coach wanted him in football, wrestling, basketball, track. No teacher liked him. He spent his lunch time alone watching all the lucky people around him.

When he was older, he lost all his money everytime he had some. His investments failed. He had no friends, Woman hated him. Men thought he was an idiot. Younger children made fun of how he looked. Basically, anything that could go wrong for an unlucky person happened to him.

As he grew into old age, he worked at a job that paid very little which meant he only lost a little.It was a mundane job fixing and cleaning all the happy peoples problems. He had no wife, no children, no friends. He did work trying to help others only to learn they hated him for being so unlucky and ugly.

He traveled nowhere. He worked constantly just to survive. His body was aging with cruel intentions. If it could go wrong, it did.

Enjoyment for him came from watching the sky and nature. He once had a dog but the dog died.

As the man lay dying no one came to visit as they did not know and if they did, they would not care.

Around the world, all the lucky beautiful people lead such wonderful lives. Travel. Money. Health. Joy. Beauty. Family. Even in their deaths there was great pageantry, mourning, memories. For him he died alone and in pain.

His last thoughts were not about luck or being unlucky. or the pain of his labored breathing His last thoughts were to give thanks to God, a God he truly loved and trusted. He knew that being gifted with life was truly an immeasurable treasure.

When his rotting body was discovered days later, on his face was a smile. To this the government official said, "I wonder what this sad bastard was happy about. He was the most unlucky man alive."
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Writers use interesting names and characters in their stories. They have too otherwise readers get bored quickly and turn to their normal routines of being humans.

There is a famous character from the series, Star Trek, named, Spock. Spock is a fun and interesting character to watch in movies and to read about in books.

Tonight the inspiration is a character that is a result of Spock getting slipped a roofie while drinking a Klingon drink with a hooker from Seattle.

As a result, the hooker gave birth to a boy named, Timmy. Timmy gained the gift of logical thinking along with the profane manners of an ill tempered prostitute.

"You're a weird person Timmy." Bob, Timmy's fifth grade teacher commented as he watched Timmy build a functioning robot with a killer laser beam capable of melting a Kia economy car.

"Thank you Bob. You consider me weird because you are incapable of understanding much more than your bowl movements and feeble attempts at trying to better your romantic experiences with students.

"That's it. You're suspended from my class. Go see the principle."

Timmy sauntered down the hall to see the principle. An elderly lesbian who recently came out as lesbian and a lover of small furry cats. Her name was, Crystal.

"Good afternoon Crystal. I was asked by Bob to come visit with you regarding my recent transgression in his class. I find Bob to be a dick. By that I mean he has the flaccid mind of a moron."

The principle sighed. She was very familiar with Timmy. She knew he was intelligent but also a big pain in the ass to the education establishment. She asked Timmy, "So, what's on your mind today?"

Without hesitation the boy replied, "Humans."

The principle raised one of her eyebrows in surprise. "Humans? What is it about humans you would like to discuss."

"Humanity has not changed in thousands of years. They remain as if they are a constantly replicating pile of fecal matter, or shit as it is commonly known."

"And this concerns you how?"

"It does not concern me. I find it humorous that so many think a God is coming to save them. Yet, these same humans are nothing more than they were thousands of years ago. They are primitive, violent, and boring."

"So what are you going to do about it Timmy?" The teacher shook her head and sighed.

"I am going to do nothing. There is no God or imaginary creatures. If there were, just for some primitive debate, then they will do nothing as they are powerless to do so."

"How interesting. So you're saying that if there was God, he would not be able to do anything?"

"Absolutely. If there is a God it would not be a he, she or it. God would be a watcher of some primitive goo."

In the hall outside, a sound of a pleasant whistling made its way through the thin walls of the principles office. The sound was of a black man who was the schools janitor cleaning a mess in the hallway.

Timmy and the principle soon tired of each other and Timmy left the office where his eyes met the gaze of a smiling old black janitor.

"Good afternoon Timmy," the janitor said with a smile.

"Hello." A cold word from a cold intelligent boy.

"You are correct about one thing concerning God Timmy."

Timmy thought it strange that an old man knew of his recent conversation with the principle, though it caught his curious side. "How so?"

The old man stopped mopping the mess on the floor and looking at Timmy, his eyes spoke with no words, only vibrations. Timmy understood full well the message, which in his mind was translated to say.
look into your soul for the answer Timmy. i am there. i AM watching as you say. i will not be as those with cold hearts and minds say. you are indeed correct as mankind needs to change both spiritually and physically. it is then that this world will become again what it is to be free.

With all this said, Timmy fell to the floor in a frothy foaming of the mouth. He passed out in a seizure. When he regained consciousness he had no memory of school, Bob, the principle, his mother. He knew nothing more than a smile and a gurgling sound of being a newborn baby. He was a baby in a crib. His thoughts were of flowers, peace and love. His future course was now the correct course he needed 'before'.

Strange how the character in Life can change...
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

It is good, when worlds collide.

Jeremy Lin. He is inspirational. He is Asian. He believes in God. He played an awesome game of basketball.

Da ball go up
Da ball go down

Da ball go up
Da ball go down.



and den...


Basketball mixed with gravity is an awesome game!
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Putin and war. War and NATO. Nukes and scarecrows.


Yes parasite. Tonight the inspiration is scarecrows.A scarecrow is usually portrayed by a straw stuffed mannequin on a pole in the middle of a corn field. Supposedly to scare crows.

Crows and ravens are related in the magical realm of a world so strange and yet so comfortable. A raven is scared of nothing concerning humans, let alone a scarecrow.

A crow is scared of some antics of humans though not much, and definitely not a scarecrow.

The two get along in a way most will never understand. For a crow their animal companion is a coyote. For a raven, a bear.

Recently some ravens have played tricks on some bears. Tricks that caused the death of one very important bear.

So, while a scarecrow will not scare a crow or raven, a dragon can.

A certain dragon which for this story is called, Fopp. Dragon's have names very hard to pronounce and are definitely not for humans to know anyway as humans are lost to themselves.

Anyway, Fopp was not happy to hear of the ravens that caused the death of his bear friend. It should have never happened. Ravens do share the human trait to be mean and cruel when they so desire so Fopp decided to play a trick on the ravens.

Dragons can assume many shapes and forms. A squirrel (Ha! There is a story behind that one) A human. A frog. They can choose to be or highly influenced by a 'higher' power. Fopp decided to take the form of a lowly rabbit.

Rabbits are magical creatures, though they are the lowest on the magical spectrum and yet still higher than any human.

There was Fopp, hopping around the meadow acting and being a rabbit. Above in the sky, some ravens were circling and making snide remarks to which Fopp acted sad and offended. This only encouraged the ravens who now took turns diving and harassing the dragon... Definitely a wrong decision.

Fopped hopped as fast as his little bunny feet could move towards a very large leafless bush. The bush was large yet had few branches providing escape from the raven haranguing him.

The ravens laughed and continued swooping until they decided to all land on the bush and bully the 'helpless' little bunny... Definitely and most assuredly a truly wrong decision.

All the ravens landed on the leafless bush, a bush with few branches and no leaves. As they stood their preening and looking important, they all besmirched and laughed at the rabbit.

Fopp decided it was time to teach them all a lesson. Unknown to the raven's, the rabbit was indeed a dragon, a dragon whose many friends included spiders, especially a spider named, Fred.

Fred had decided to help Fopp in his lesson to the ravens and had spun a giant web of very sticky strands of webbing all throughout the bush. The web ensnared some small time parasites.

A time parasite by itself is fun to cause momentary confusion among many species, especially humans. A lot of them trapped in a web and now sticking to some ravens...Oh my! What fun!

All the ravens flew off in confusion. Some collided with others. Some disappeared and reappeared. One in particular, was changed into a bear.

Dragons are not cruel nor do they act as humanity would like them to be. For the raven's they were taught an important lesson. For the raven that caused the death of the bear only to become a bear learned the most important lesson of all as a human hunter was stalking a 'raven' and the raven was scared. Which is ironic as ravens are never scared of humans.

As for Fopp, Fopp changed from a rabbit into a key. A very important key pertaining to atomic fission.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Thoughts in a bank; mind seeming so secure until spilling out in a flow of words.
A spell of hypnosis to willing minds supping the fermented swill of politicians
AOC is an example, as is Pelosi and Graham and Suzy and Bob
"Lets send trillions to Ukraine."

Priorities are ranked by the most immediate needs:
and though some embrace with fanaticism and others abhor to the extreme...

Imagine a child born nice, one full of peace
and then another
and another
and another
until what needed war to bring those straying back to a path, a direction, is obsolete.

Imagine a world of immortality
where dreams of wonder exist and nevermore the pain of nightmares
A world free of hate and war, of disease, pain...

Where anger becomes true debate between those who think ants should learn another language or become artists with paint.

Thoughts exist thankfully as does death, for the world coming is still so far away while children born everyday
are still the same as yesterday, last year, past centuries
there are some here and more will come
with the ability to see.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Crickets are more than what people could ever imagine.

Take today, non stop the antics in the canoe.

Looked at the fish and then non stop talk.

It took a walk on the beach when the trip was over and it caused a big smile.

Why can't they see?
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

The canceled snow crab season will contribute to the ever-growing food shortages that have been felt worldwide.

Alaska snow crab season is cancelled this year. Not strange. Ebb and fall and all.

What iz strange though is the report there is an ever-growing food shortage world wide. Imagine, 5 million pounds of crab missing to impact human consumption of beans.

All inspirational .

There is no shortage of food for humans, none indeed.
You see?
There are worms and ants, algae and bats.
Everything that does not kill is acceptable for a human to eat.

What's that?
Bugs and dandelions?

There is you answers, so much to eat and so little taste.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Blood letting.

The good old days of curing/preventing illness by releasing blood.

Sounds good.

Humanity needs to bleed.
To taste once more this talk of war turning into a banquet of death

Oceans of blood with roiling waves of lamentation and fear
To allow the wolves once more the feast of flesh and soul

Remember those young lads beaming with smiles as they waxed their mustaches heading towards the enemy in World War I?
Such memories to see the severed torso while the mustache still gleams.

Wars and rumors of wars turning into the mind numbing existence of reality.

All to honor some warped visions of victory

Death reigns on this planet. It is King and there is no Queen to save it.
So let loose the blood from the artery of life
Let loose the moans, the terror, the screams
Let the jackals feed upon the children, the animals, the forests, mountains, world...

In the end it all begins again
and again
and again
for humanity chooses to remain blinded by the comfort of the evil inside, poisoning the blood, the soul, the being... Caring nothing for purity, for goodness, for God, for peace.

This is my world, a world of Death and disease
and so it is to feel so good
standing deep in the blood of humanity.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

A wood door over four meters thick; hewn from the Oak planks of the sentinel tree.

Ever growing. Ever rejuvenating. Ever free from the bonds soil and worms.
His breath was powerful. Not in the way of smell or velocity, nay, no, nada.
Bounds do not exist, barriers do not exist, even the Wind cannot enter
Against the door bonded by steel forged of finest Elvin ethreal
His fog of vapor drenching such a feeling
Against the door, the heartbeat shatters the door, casting slivers into the hearts of so many and so much
His eyes wide open.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Ethiopian butt bunnies.


I said, Ethiopian butt bunnies.


Because it was the first thing to inspire me after reading the following news headline,
Biden administration coordinating research into ways to dim the sun
Joseph MacKinnon
October 16, 2022

"Now I understand..."

Exactly parasite, ex actly. Imagine, humans want to travel the stars and time.


Yep, definitely Ethiopian butt bunnies.
Today in the news the news is and was news
It was new to say the news with news of the same news in different ways.

Old news and new news
News of horror and stupidity
News of such so to feel anger and pain.

And so...
Breaking news!
A herd of Ethiopian butt bunnies were seen fucking in the White House. More to follow.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Bald Faced Ramble'
(warning: the following is not meant to be understood by readers, nor is it inspirational for writers)


""Dee Da Dee Da Dee Da."

A joke? Ind33d!

4 times now, a practical joke exercised against that/those/ and the other...

Intelligence 6, or through displacement, 9.

Agent Barton braced up, applied some lipstick for the dead pig; proper propery.

It is fun indeed and has a very serious form of humor. Just wait until they try to unload.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

simple structure such as a wooden door, a wooden floor, a glass window.

On the wood table etched by activities of life, a life of elbows, plates, silverware, cups; temperature of ambience is there.

An arm reached out holding a feather. Dipping the quill tip into a small iridescent bottle filled with the blackest of ink. Three quick dips and then with the short journey to the parchment paper, the line took on a life of its own.

Soon, so much was brought to life. It was a good way to start a morning and a good ending to a day.

In the sky, the clouds were coming.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

A small rotation... a point?


Star Trek sex with my sister.

A bed for a bed for a good nights sleep.

and then...

(thoughts let to roam, it seems)

It must be said. Said in the color of a mind of a sun.
Every piece of life contains the knowledge and the key


All have it, Life.
All full of the knowledge
and the key.


A deer knows, and they try, they cannot turn the key.

Mankind has both the key, the knowledge, and the ability to use.


Mankind has forgotten where it placed the key.

it is Evil's only hope for survival,
to keep them from finding again... the Key.


And a question: If you were to capture the wind, what would you do?
Would you make it sing?
Would you order it to cease?
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

There is the inspiration of how warfare speeds up technology in lethargic species such as humans.

Then there is the inspiration of corgi puppies with zoomies.

And tattoo's

And, and, and...

"Why don't you write about soiled kleenex?"

No parasite, tonight's inspiration is sleep. A lot of sleep. Good sleep. Good dreams. And first, Dott's pretzels.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

The rain and snow again ride the clouds, along with the clean inspiration of the clear night sky.

The riders came, carried by the winds; close, so close you could hold them in your hand.

Back now to the stars.
Mankind plays such serious games with their planes crossing the sky. Port side the red blinks, starboard the green. Satellites so set in their path passing Angels engaged in their games.

Shooting stars pass by with a fireball to keep the insanity at bay; a core reason as to why...

And the music...Ahhh... So sweet the sound of the clouds, the stars, the Angels, the planes, the satellites, and the night sky.

A man touched a bird, and smiled
Blue in color to match the nature of kind
The feet, the beak, the wings
A man took flight towards the heavens
ever now living a dream.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

If you were engulfed by a cloud of highly radioactive particles and your body was saturated with enough to die from a horrible and painful death... what would you do? Suicide? Pray? Hope? Endure?

Humans are actually free to do whatever they want just as writers should be free to write absolutely anything.

Tonight the inspiration comes from the chocolate chip cookies the wife of the young couple with three children gave me. She has a good soul. He is on the fence with choices. The children are a clean slate ready for the nuclear particles they will have to endure.


Clear the mind, or not, and become whatever you want.

Putin wants war
China wants war
Biden wants ice cream and to smell children's hair.

Do you submit to a higher power? Any power? God? Government? A lover? Spouse?

There are absolutes: The world turns. The planet rotates around a sun. The moon causes the tides.

Humans are absolute also, all will die, well, 99.99 percent of them...
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

CNN ridiculed for blaming pets for impact on climate change, advocating 'insect-based food' and adopting small rodents instead of dogs
Paul Sacca
October 23, 2022

A lizard! Hey parasite, lets trap a pack rat and name it Chuck Morton.


So, first batch of chocolate chip cookies and wonton soup.

"Go get laid or eat some fresh dirt. Stop bothering me."

Sex? That's the inspiration and not a pet rat named Chuck Morton? Okay then, or not.

"Might I suggest you go fuck yourself?"

He licked her delicious cherry. So firm. So ripe. So sensual.

She moaned in pleasure. Smiling with the sugar glazed look of a woman well satisfied.
His fingers now joined in. Softly grasping the moist mound as if teasing her, testing her, touching her very soul
The two sighed and giggled like school children playing on a swing set in school.

"Enough. Surely your hunger must be satisfied by now?" She asked.

"Never. I always hunger for your goodness." He replied.


"So, writing about fucking. How original."

No parasite. I'm writing about her chocolate chip cookies. Finger licking good.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

"There are no cherries on chocolate chip cookies moron."

Are you sure parasite? There are most definitely so chocolate chip cookies with a delicious cherry on top. Cherries are great to eat.

So, Jeremy did well today. Hard worker. Intelligent. Nice. But told me he would kill another if it would keep him alive. He further added that he had to kill 50 others to save his life, he would inside his mind today... but tomorrow? would he?

Plants have many uses. To heal life. To take life. To enhance, enrich, enlighten...

A root
A horn
A path of tracks so wide, it reveals the cherry so ripe, so sweet.

Well done
Now, some chocolate chip cookies with a cherry on top,
just for a treat.

New Chinese

Ah so... A language of nuance; subtle; sneaky.
So obvious the characters on parade.

Now, let us speak of dreams.
B and K,
but a M211?


In war and peace
There is a lady dancing with a laugh while the man stares into a mirror of anger

And so... tonight another night
of travel
and dreams.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

it is good to have fun with the way the minds ebb and flow
Such much energy ,so tangible, so fun to frolic in
From China to the sea of Taipein
Scotland to Iceland
Russia and India
and all a world full of sea and land.

(insert hollow square box outlined in black)

The wind can carry smell yet it cannot smell
It can blow the flames yet it cannot feel the heat
Such the caress it reveals yet it cannot shudder in pleasure.
The wind can do many things yet it cannot share in so many things
One thing it can do and be
it is to be inside me.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

This talk of skeletons being found in a receding reservoir paints the perfect metaphor for those mortal; fearing death.

A dog wheezing the last breath; tormented; (;;;)4144

Chemicals. Minerals. Minute biological.

Hair and feet.
Head and brain.

And for what? To die as it must be?


Never will i die for death is what mortals fear

Maybe the body but never the mind.

It would be better if people could see with their own eyes, free of flesh and bone, what really is
inside them...
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Swords get a lot of drama play with writers. Clubs, mace, shields, spears... weapons used in stories get a lot of attention.

Take Thor's hammer. Not bad. A hammer with a will of its own combined with the control by Thor.

Tonight the inspiration is a war axe.

His main choice of weapon was his hands. With those hands he could snap a man or woman's neck with ease. They could rip a body apart. They could do much in battle and much in the daily routine of one that must shit, fuck, eat,create, build.

His hands were important and he relied greatly upon them, as he also relied upon his legs, arms, torso, head. Basically his body was a wonderful weapon of death.

He was a master of the horse, elephant, camel, whale, dragon; beasts were his to control and use to destroy his enemies. Tools other warriors found comforting such as a sword, club, spear, chariot,tank,space ship, lasers, bullets... these he could contain and control with ease also, but aside from his hands being the favorite weapon he also had a fondness for his battle axe.

There was no magically forged metal making up the axe, nor was there anything special about the construction of the handle. The axe was forged by an old blacksmith with no teeth and a sickly smile. The smiths arms were small but strong as steel from having forged metal of over eighty years. The metal he used was old weapons of battle melted down and hammered into a very strong and very sharp axe.

The axe was heavy to match the strength of the man wielding it now against a very old enemy. An enemy cold and eternal.

This enemy was not mortal or immortal. It was not pulsating with blood. There was no flesh to pierce, rip asunder or destroy as this enemy was crafty and cold. Extremely cold, ice cold...

The warrior struggled in his battle to travel to his home on the other side of the mountain. His path was blocked by growing snow drifts as the wind howled, driving the flakes by the millions against any and all.

The wiser animals of the forest hid in whatever shelter they found. Birds huddled in and among the thick spruce branches. Bears hibernated in caves. Dragons were warm in hot spring fed pools in the deep canyons of mountains.

For the warrior, he struggled as he was strong. His legs carried him as if he were a machine. Hour after hour he fought his way up the mountain and with each step the snow grew deeper.

Hour after hour became years. So many years he moved against an enemy that was unstoppable.

In the Spring the flowers bloomed once more. The birds chirped with joy. The bears foraged at the lower elevations upon the fresh growth of grass. In the sky the dragons swooped and circled; wings stretching and enjoying the sunlight.

Up on the top of the mountains where the ice and snow was the deepest, there was no sign of the warrior. The only visible sign he even had existed was the metal battle axe sticking up and out of the hard packed snow. Beneath the head of the axe rested a tired warrior who was brought to defeat by frozen resolve while holding high both his hand and in it, the axe..
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

In the letter, the progressive signers claimed that while they "care deeply about freedom of speech," they also believe it is important for publishers to uphold their own dedication to the First Amendment with a "duty of care."

"We recognize that harm is done to a democracy not only in the form of censorship, but also in the form of assault on inalienable human rights," the letter states. "As such, we are calling on Penguin Random House to recognize its own history and corporate responsibility commitments by reevaluating its decision to move forward with publishing Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s forthcoming book."

Freedom of speech? True, unless you are a liar and human.

If you say the word, nigger, in the 'wrong' company. You are a racist.
If you're a drag queen at school you can twerk sexually in front of children but you cannot pray in the same school.
If, if, if...

I HATE censorship. Of course you cannot yell, fire, in a movie theater or say you have a bomb while stacked like cattle on a commercial plane. Otherwise anyone should be able to say and write whatever IT is they want.

This is the inspiration for tonight. Hypocrites of all colors, genders, religions, political beliefs. This is for you.

If Nancy Pelosi says she is for abortion and I call her a cunt, which should be censored? Or to put it in a better frame, which is worse? To kill children with a smile or to call a woman who kills children with a smile, a cunt?

Humans have such a gift and they waste it as it is their right and freedom to be a diseased species.




And a hearty, fuck you to the 500 literary figures wanting to ban a book.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

It's nice today parasite. Sunshine. 44.4 degrees. Sawmilling. Writing. Pancakes and bacon. Cheddar and sour cream potato chips. What are you going to do today?

"Well Mr. chatterbox, I plan on being a pain in the ass to you and to torture the puppies."

Sounds fun. How about the dolphins?

"Fuck the dolphins."

You can't you don't have a penis.

"True, but neither do you."

I have something better.



This is the season of death.
Deer being shot in the head.
Elk being blasted.
Grain harvested and stored in bins.

Snow telling the tree sap it would be best if they take cover, while leaves try out their wings in travel to the ground.

People live with it as they go about their business of whatever it is they do.
And yes, a few of them fall prey to death.

There is something magical about the season of Fall.
A crisp newness to the air.
The comfort of sitting in front of a heater.
Even the water tastes better and sweeter and fresh.

Outside, the form of Thor smiling, stopping to take a shit, and then bouncing off to see the puppies playing in their pen.

It is a good day to write
It is a good day to enjoy and work
It is a good day, this fine Fall morning,
to live.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Yes indeed. Today was definitely a soaring sort of day!

"Can I kick you in the balls?"

Sure parasite, though I doubt your large purple blob can defy much gravity.

A serious question for writers. How many of you have shrunk down in size and placed yourself inside the furrow of an eagles claw? Anyone? You? How about you? No?

It is a serious question because i have ridden the sky inside the furrow of the eagle claw, inside the feathers rippling in the winds current. i have been inside the eagles mind.

I ask this question because I believe writers should be inspired by whatever it is that they are. Not form a style based on other writers or what publishing companies jam down a readers eyes.

Write about your experiences. You don't have to embellish. Just tell the truth as truth can be so real it becomes almost unbelievable.

Oh, and being inside eagle shit is even an interesting form of inspiration.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Marlene, replace the stove. It is not worth dying in an fiery explosion.


i chose to be inside a woman today. it felt nice. her breasts were firm to the look and soft to the touch. she did not know i was inside, nor could she understand even if she did know.

taking apart the flesh of a dog named , Thor. putting his body into contortions of physical activity showed most definitely the wonderful engin33ring. A flaw induced of programmed genetic degradation.

if you mix diet Dr. Pepper soda with cherry juice the results are very tasty.

Four levels below now, this very second, shifting some plates. it is good. it is peaceful. it is quiet.

last night...so powerful, the dreams.

fully inside the body of Time.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

People get inverted cross symbols on foreheads, recite 'Hail Satan' during 'unbaptism' ritual at Pagan Pride Fest

Hey parasite, wanna interview Satan?

"Sure. Why not.That shithead is even more stupid and retarded than you."


(an interview with Lucifer, and trust me when i say that piece of shit is a real as your eyes reading this)

So Lucifer, what do you think about humans embracing abortion?

"I would like to first state that I do not exist. Humans have made me a scapegoat for their choices. And..."

Sorry to interrupt you but you and i know full well just what and who you are, so knock off the usual and stick to the question.

(Satan does not do well with truth.)

"Lets say for conversation sake that I was named as you say, Lucifer. If Lucifer existed than that would mean evil exists. So, let me say this and make it official: I do not condone or approve of abortions."

I know. Now tell them why?

"Tell who? You? A purple blob called parasite?:

No, tell the writers and readers why you do not condone or approve of abortions.

(Evil thinks it is slick and smooth, and for millions, evil is just that. However, tonight, this night so many call, Halloween, evil has no power over the question.)

"If I were Lucifer, Satan, Evil, or whatever delusion you may think I am, I would state that I do not approve of abortion because the soul of the baby is untouchable by me. The dead babies souls are free of my corruption."

Exactly. And thanks for admitting you are indeed the Devil.

"I did not say I am...I, I, I, shit. You got me."

We have a date not too far in the future ( the names cannot be written) and you already know as i do, the end result.


"Can we eat ice cream now?"

Sure parasite. Do you want some Angel food cake?

"Only if we can sprinkle some red hots on it."

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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Spank my ass... or
Mathematical 2x2 = quadrant of 4.4 .2 milli ...\

I delve into some things. 'things' thongs, dreams; drenched repeats of history you have absolutely no idea of how it all happens.

A reminder: Remember the black cat trapped stealing eggs and chickens? The look of pure hate? A puddy cat?

i know full well the the recordings, the camera's, the 'the' the 'the' the 'the' the... have you tasted the tea?

knowing full well the drop. The bend. The floor.

For a writer: There are that of which you write and believe to be a 'great' piece of writing. But, have you ever (censored) a piece? (grin)

Yes, I, I, I, I, am indeed... an asshole. A prick. A dick. I am what I am... however, what am i?

Some inspiration!

So many place such importance in the bonding and exchange of DNA
What do you think of what happened 'years' ago, so it seems, that day so far above the Earth in what some call, Space?

i know.
it seems trivial.
the sex was so special...
there was revealed SO much more...
to the game.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

there is no ignoring love,

in the light of day there are those who explain their hate with meanings of hate

in the darkness of night there are those who find sex to explain what is not

no, there is no ignoring love and what love means

God is love

A person who lays down their life for another is love

To forgive one called enemy, even if they wear a gender of soiled impurity and hate you for everything you are

this is not ignoring love, rather it is

it is the way of totally embracing it.
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