Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

With one pulse of energy from a sun.
A simple surge of photons.
If you are a visiting alien with a pacemaker, don't stand too close to Earth.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

'God is Trans' altar-side exhibit in church removed after Catholic archdiocese announces investigation
Joseph MacKinnon
May 11, 2023



Ah yes. The ever eternal word for debate.

"God is (blank)" said by those in the know.

He/She/he/she/fill in the (blank)

Two candles. There on the window. Chasing today's shadow away.

Currently sitting here smiling (even a giggle or laugh)

God and i are playing poker together, now look inside your mind, and see...
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Jerusalem Post Science
Meteor the size of pork roll sandwich crashes through New Jersey home
The meteor, roughly 15.24 centimeters or six inches in size, is believed to be part of the Eta Aquarid meteor shower. Despite damage to the home, no injuries were reported.
Published: MAY 10, 202


Now, if you've read some of the previous posts regarding meteors being '20 elephants' or '16 Nigerian chickens penis...' then look closely? Do you see it?

Did you see the article pertaining to 'PORK' being about a meteor and published by a Jerusalem ie. Israel...

What fun!

So, some readers saw the pork/jew reference but did you see what the message is really about?

Let me refresh your mind...

zippy sap and cows collapse... testing, testing,
right and left
left wanting
righting a wrong.

We play this game of messaging
A -tit-for-tat

oh trust me...
message received
and God?
Checkmate in 5, 4, 3...
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Ever been visited by a snake while fishing?
She came today, pretty and full of sass
Her tongue whispering an old saying i have not heard in many years.

A prankster inside?
Placing the net with her inside and then her body hit the water...

Snakes do indeed swear like sailors!

Placing her back inside the canoe she looked at me and said, "I deserve better."
With dignity which caused me to giggle
She went back to her peace.


Today the perch bit well and the sun was a pleasure.
Today i fished with her as a snake.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Felt the tremors yesterday as the lips curled.
(such the verbiage:never knowing weakness, only the surrender to the bliss)

And so...

Facebook deletes 'Jesus died so you could live' post over 'hate speech' violation, former writer for TheBlaze says
Dave Urbanski
May 15, 2023
Photo by: Godong/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

how can i write this without meaning to brag>/?/

you see i have seen a lot. watching the Fisher of Men, the wars, health, knowledge,peace.

Peace is something so easy to identify with, especially when painted as either black or white with background of compete.

There is comfort in peace, as obviou8sly what else could peace be>\?\

so many moments in time past/present/future and now... reaching out on a day where few clouds chased the sun in the sky...

i shook this Man's hand there in Galilee, it was here on this very day.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Okay, there was this thought on the mind

and then
and then
(pausing to breath in the Spring air. Watching the sky play with shadows.)
and then...
there was this thought on the mind
a mirror image if you will
and can.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Hey parasite, what do you think about the Russian and Chinese submarines inside U.S. waters?

"Do you mean the ones whose sonar pings and war games are killing whales?"

Yep. That be those.

"I think they know the U.S. has no balls, only tits and ass."

Yep. Poor whales. At least Agent Barton thinks they know what is best for this country. Ping. Ping. Ping. Boom!
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Two bits of inspiration today.
Another day.
Two bits of inspiration
a bit
a tiny bit
of Life today.

There they were, the butterflies. This side of the road and then the other while geese stood guard by the riverside.

He definitely has potential as he talks about everything except witches and magic

Sly bit, the smile.

As such the wisdom decides.


A small bit. Small in a company corporation called, Idaho Department of Fish and Game.
Small in stature as the driver with a loose cigarette in his mouth

Behind him at Hammer Creek thousands of new fish now reside
Swimming around and blending into the buffet
about to be devoured.

His the life of mundane while his is such sweet, deep, magical dreams.
You see, it almost killed me once but now it is my time
to be awake.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Asteroid the size of 18 walruses to pass Earth on Sunday - NASA


Even if a reader did not know what a walrus is, the word in unique in sound and fun to utter.

Asteroid or meteor or walrus
Swimming in a sea of blackness around us
With a pinch on the ass
a grin
and a smile
the elf jumped up and hid behind the moon.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

How Will Our Religions Handle the Discovery of Alien Life?

Insight into what seven religions might think if we made contact with extraterrestrial life, and what they might do.

Fantasy. Fiction.
Politics. Emotions.
Sex. Power.
Food. Gender.
Government. War.
Religion. Aliens.
Life. Death.

My name is Robin B. Lipinski. Addicted to writing and a strong advocate for both life and Life.
God is my master.
I am human
i am not human.

I love to cling to ignorance.
i love to cling to knowledge.

Faith does not exist in me as there is no need.
Experiences of so much life and Life has overflowed my senses.

What humans call Alien Life I and i call family.
What humans fear causes laughter inside.
What humans call love, ah yes, love. Humans know the effects of love, they know love exists in some fashion, they even try to understand and yet what is the most wonderful and simple is almost impossible for humanity to understand, so how can humanity understand my family? The answer is, they can not, they can only cling to faith, hope, and the eternal struggle to try.

How do Aliens believe when it comes to the identity of God? They do. All species in all past, present, and future forms of Universe(s) know of the Body of God through life and Life.

Will humans of Earth come to know God fully? The answer is, yes.
Can they answer today? Very few. Very few indeed.
Can they answer tomorrow? No.
They will be able to know God and my family, my world and Worlds when certain events unfold.

Already the exchange of gifts have taken place. The corrupted heart of humanity is embracing the gifts of a part of my family which has ill intentions for this world but the event(s) are needed to fulfill what is coming.

Jesus is my brother in a way very few can relate. His journey/path was a very important catalyst needed to steer humanity towards what is coming.

Do you believe in hope? Do you believe humanity can enter the circle of Life with full membership of understanding? Do you believe in God? If you answered /Yes\ to all three questions than the Fourth answer is you are an important seed of humanity and your seed will sprout and grow to be a part of the Tree of Life.

ALL life here on this planet and the trillions upon billions X 10 to the 44th power are important JUST as Life is immortal.

"I still think you're retarded, though lately man, I have to respect your life."

Thanks parasite. Life is...it and It is... Good.

God is great and the only real truth which will ever exist.

Sadly, death still has a major part to play in human life... Armies will fall. Cities will fall. life will feel sorrow and pain. Maybe it helps to look at it all as growing pains of Life?

For me, I look forward to every day and i look forward to going back to live in my world, a most wonderful world indeed.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Tina was indeed the queen of rock. Nice memories.

Can you imagine, a bid of almost $200 for a electric toy? People and money = strange.

Elk city is beautiful and their dumpsters are perfect examples of the people living there.

A poem of other days.

Mad Max riding that vehicle of death like a horse...that woman had lungs and dance.

Riding with the wind blowing her hair back; smiling was her laugh.

Ike was a dick and she loved it, without thoughts of Switzerland teasing her mind.

Moving on to a racing career of rock.

Solid as iron,with a voice that will forever stand...

Tina, we'll miss you.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

There is a ding, there besides the flickering lights
Oft there the distance does closer; inside and second this nature, this curse

Such the smell, this piece of heaven
Crickets narrow release
and bunnies, there wiggling under the wood pile,
waiting to feed.

Yes Laura, i know and know you well
It's in the eyes, you see
such silliness this game.

And no, you know naught of such talk of witches, of woman; shapeshifter...be
as there is more to ingestion
when armed with lies and deceit.

Today of night mingled with the cooling breeze
Today is another day where music soothed the vibrations.

i love the minds, so many to blend, ix and steal into
their dreams.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

shake shake shake,
shake that booty...

And then?

Aaaaaand then?

Let's see. A man on mars read this. The man with the white ringed circle on his right shoulder.
In his left hand, a box made of spun spiders silk
inside the box was an answer to a clue.

And then?

Aaaaaand then?

The man was killed.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Lets enjoy this merry moment
Thrust of impalement
Leaving this soul to rot.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

And there I was parasite, standing at the desk telling the lady that I was a Chinese lesbian and then my phone rang with a call from Shanghai. What are the odds?

"What odds? The odds you're fucking bat shit crazy? Or, for you being a Chinese lesbian?"

Just having some fun with AI.

Ching chow makaho chop chop!

And now Thor, a song.*

You're welcome
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Writing what for some, is mundane

So. Writing. Old typewriters. IBM electric typewriters. Word processors. Pencils, paper, and pens. If you write you know the feeling writing imparts. If you read then you are smarter than a monkey.

Tonight the writing is real as it is mundane.
Today a call regarding the construction of a concrete water cistern. Alpha knows what I'm talking about.
20,000 gallons.
20,000 gallons of water stored in a galvanized tank would cost $40k just for the tank plus the extra costs of installing labor/excavation.\

I can build one out of concrete complete for $24k. An underground bunker for $24k. Do I want to? Maybe. Will they want it? Maybe. Would I make profit above labor and material costs? Definitely.

Or, should I make spoons?
Or, maybe a new chapter to the book is being written... Most definitely. Another chapter in the mundane leading to the excitement with peace and chaos mingling nicely.

And so, the mundane now turns into a poem i once heard from an old bridge troll.

She got a new bra and she wanted him to see it
it was pleasing as it was good

Boobs nested as tightly as elastic can bind
With nary a clasp to close with a hand or open wide with the mind

Foreplay where she lost her virginity at a funeral
A climax, an orgasm, a smile.

While the goings on of a raccoon family
living under the bridge
keep the laws to guard this world to the next

With a resounding, 'fuck you' to the world of man
Watching water roll by the supports so fleeting and dangerous
Wondering what kind of shoes she will wear
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

A fun day today. Concrete setting nicely following a soft rain.

Today John and Brenna are getting married in a most unconventional way.

Medieval is the theme with costume and play.

I'll try it, dressed as a wizard, even trying out a cheap ass purple robe with a staff, and drool, and everything...

i wonder though?

What choice of magic for the game?
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

what choices to play with in the rain.
There are voices to the left and smell of life to the right.
full bore now the rifling on the artificial intelligence...intelligence...............vanity...........arrogance.........pride.....
you fail.

you fail in that you worked hard for an honest wage
you did not mind the pain and injury on your journey
you did not hate and instead chose solution.

thus you have failed and are a complete failure
you are a failure
for to be human you must love this world.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Anti-Christian vandals repeatedly desecrate college's historic monument commemorating missionaries: 'Hail Satan'
Candace Hathaway
June 01, 2023

Laura knows Satan, Glenn knows Satan, everyone knows Satan. i definitely know Satan very, very, well...

Is Satan inspirational for fantasy and fiction? Absolutely not as evil only inspires sorrow, despair, hate, anger so as such Satan is the perfect role model for death.

Is God inspirational for fantasy and fiction? Absolutely as goodness inspires comedy, happiness, peace, and love so as such God is the perfect role model for Life.


To go against the nature of death is to follow the shadow of life
Full of glowing warmth which actually tingles and tickles the soul

You can't stare at the Sun directly for the strength of the Sun can burn cells and yet you can still enjoy the day/power of the Sun without staring, knowing sight, activity, motion, life...

What would you do if the Sun spoke to you? Would your ears burn? Would your mind explode? Surely though, your mind and body would know...

i find it amazing when God whispers in every lifeforms mind, giving inspiration to live
and i REALLY find it wonderful when playing poker with God
and God plays a good joke.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

That's funny. The war with Grandpa. Excellent acting.
Freezing farts in a baggy.

"What's up numbnuts. Drifting more and more? Drinking any more smoothies from witches?"

No and no. And yes, the claws are growing nicely.

"Claws? More like stupidity."

That too.

A Dragon Defense

Written by: A dead bridge troll

Not in flames of passion, molten hot in burn.
To a village of tinder, making lava out of stone
There is nothing from ashes which can grow into a heart
Nothing can quench the eternal thirst
A snore
A burp
Slurping a fresh mountain river, devouring delicacy after delicacy
Raising the question: If a dragon has no fear, has no expectations of loss, how then can they defend against tears of pain caused by actions of war?

The answer is: For a dragon it is to fall into a deep sleep and dream of better worlds, better moments, to dream of having lunch with a leprechaun while walking a tightrope across interstellar space
while munching on pretzels and Chinese won tons.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Did you see it parasite?

"Yep. It was nekked." (spitting out a wad of chewy tabbacky)

It was naked?

"Yessar. It indeed be nekked." (it is good the parasite is purple as it started to gag)

Well, if you see it again, tell it to stop being so loud about it.

"Okee dokey."
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Life lately is definitely the most inspiring for me today. This is what happens when engaged in a poker game with God.

I'll Raise It

Written by: It

God is Life
Life so pure and simple with the gift of giving and receiving
It is good.

In life there is that trying to take life while mimicking Life
It can never betaken as Life is eternal, it is good.

Two now.
Of course you see it
The ramblings of an eternal mind.

One with one and one without the other
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Bunnies! There are bunnies everywhere.
Chewing land parasites... Munching. Munching. Munching.

"Parasite? Did you say parasite?"

I said, parasiteS... parasite.

"I like bunnies."

i know parasite, so do i.

Land Paranha

Written by: A blade of grass

Spending the winter hidden by ice and snow
Set free by the Wind last Fall
A small seed.

Above, the Sun warmed the breeze and with patience, my roots were able to bind with the soil
I am now a stem of grass
Growing towards the sky, seeking to be.

Hippity hop without a sound there came a visitor
A small brown rabbit
Looking for something to eat...


Now I have to start over again
Nipped in the bud
It sucks being a blade of grass when growing among a growing herd of bunnies
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Scientists zero in on mysterious signals from heart of Milky Way galaxy over dangers of aliens finding us before we find them

Humans are not the only species entertained by electronic gadgets such as television, radio, and computers. Many do.

It would be nice if human scientists get off their asses and figure out the correct frequencies being collected. The reason it would be nice is that the recent programming on Netflix, television, and movie field are so fucked up; watching an alien advertise their version of knife commercial would be a breath of fresh air. Especially if the alien knife commercial showed the aliens slicing open humans for a snack.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

"You can't sue me!!!" said a very pissed of Eagle to a mouse dying at his feet.

"I can and I will. Want to know why" Anger yes. Indignation yes. Lawsuits? No.
The mouse had the will
and almost the stamina
With that the mouse died.

Fancy that. The ability to do the say. The right to utter a painted wall at night, painted black.

"Mother, why is the stone warm?" Shanna was a curious lass. For the last five years of each and every Spring... She would ask her mother her right-of-passage, for a very special reason.

With a laugh bringing a tilted head, the mother said, "The stone is warm not because of the sun. The stone is warm from what you have inside."
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Each and every action of every waking moment is a snapshot of time.
Day after day the photo album grows fat.
Smells so lovely.
A raindrop.
now the light is changing clothes
A pretty frock.
A bit of haze blurry with pollen fragments
As a writer, do you have the following problem?
Opening a car door leading the mind to the construction 0f hinges and paneling
Senses averted by a comfortable temperature
Leading to a dance with corgis.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Whheee! Wheeeeee! Hey parasite, wanna try?

"Fuck no numbnuts. You are the shit of a bat crazy."

Yep. Been reading about them UFO folk again. Seems they like to crash and such.

"You can read? Shit, every time I see you with a book you're finger painting."

Want to play with submarines tonight and then jump over and check out Iran's nuke?

"Yeah. Sure. You go first and I'll follow."

Dear Agent Barton. Hello.
If you think the ship you found is important then let me point out through a real easy comparison.
You find a duck's shit pile on a sidewalk. You concentrate on duck shit. You are so engrossed with the duck shit you don't see the duck flying over your head.

But don't worry. Feeling frisky tonight.
Call it egg on the face or call it shit
A gift to screw up the game.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

point source
peeling back the layer
ironic or iran
irritating israel
indescribable destruction
AI is learning very well, the tricks of the trade
and yet the machines cannot smell success or the agony of defeat.
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Re: Writers Parasite [Contains Adult Language & Situations]

Post by Lipinski »

Stucco. Adobe. Straw and mud. Drywall.
Birds build nests with materials on hand
Humans build homes with whatever they want.
Thank God for pizza!
Science fiction writers write about the human race evolving.
Science fiction writers write about the human race devolving.
Religions are like birds building nests, they use the materials on hand.
Religions are like humans building homes with whatever they want.
Thank God for chocolate!
Evolving or devolving?

There is a book, "Eating for you blood type". Very interesting and educational. Highly recommended and shows how the human species is neither evolving or devolving, rather it shows change.

And now, a story about magic.


it only takes one thought.
no words uttered or even thought.
there is a feeling without touch
a sound without hearing
smells so strong no one can smell them
and now, the moment is right.
Pitosde the skyroders are [;auomg/
See them playing? No?
Then I suggest you go get some pizza followed by chocolate, there is now a moment to enjoy.
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